Chapter 110

The next day, Lingyan came to the door with two dark circles under her eyes.

Gu Xingchen stood quietly outside the courtyard with his hands behind his hands, waiting for a long time.

The tall and straight figure, dressed in plain white clothes, is like a jade tree facing the wind, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and a long sword in hand, chic and handsome.

It's just that when he looked sideways at her, the center of his eyebrows habitually frowned, forming a small word 'Chuan'.

"I told you last night that I have to get up early today. What do you think of your listless look?"

When Gu Xingchen opened his mouth, he always had bad words.

Lingyan didn't bother to talk to him today, and said perfunctorily: "Okay, okay, I understand."

Not only did she have two dark circles under her eyes, but her eyes were also bloodshot, and it seemed that she had not slept much.

Gu Xingchen stared at her suspiciously, and found a small piece of skin on her delicate red lips.

He asked, "what did you and Luo Qiaoqiao do last night?"


Mentioning last night, Lingyan got angry.

There was a lot of fire, and it was not until the middle of the night that she blasted the monster out.After finally lying down, I turned on my side and couldn't sleep. I didn't fall asleep all night.

"Go to the world to get rid of your grudges." She pinched the center of her brows in annoyance and said, "Nothing happened last night, so I don't want to talk to you."

Gu Xingchen is not someone who breaks the casserole and asks the bottom line.

There are still doubts in his heart, but Lingyan doesn't want to say, he will never continue to ask brazenly.

He brought Lingyan to the stone ladder at the gate of Xianmen, and there were already several disciples waiting there.

After seeing Lingyan, everyone had weird expressions, and called out senior brothers and sisters.

After all, for a group of inner disciples, calling an outer disciple a senior sister is still somewhat embarrassing.

The formation has already been set up in the fairy gate, and the group of people only needs to walk along the stone ladder, and the end of the stone ladder is where the world needs.

—— Tanglin Abroad

The evil wind swept the yellow sand and raged, making people blind.

As soon as Lingyan and his party arrived, she quickly raised her hands to cover her eyes to prevent the wind and sand from blowing into her eyes.

Gu Xingchen glanced at her with disgust, approached her, and while expanding the enchantment beside her, said: "You even forgot the enchantment?"

The wind and sand in front of Lingyan's eyes were isolated.

She put her hands down and said bluntly, "I forgot everything."

Gu Xingchen: "Why haven't you forgotten how to eat and sleep?"

Lingyan glared at him, too lazy to talk to him.

Looking at the surrounding environment, he saw that a hand-wide crack had already appeared on the dry loess.I don't know where the charming yellow sand came from. Where the wind blows, there is no grass growing, and there is a cold feeling.

It's like being in the desert, and the whole person is immersed in the refrigerator.The scene in front of him was hot and dry, but his body was bitingly cold.

Lingyan felt carefully, but did not find the breath of monsters or monsters.

Gu Xingchen said: "Let's start, let's get rid of the grievances from here."

Several inner disciples listened to the order and sat cross-legged here, began to silently recite incantations and set up formations.

Lingyan came to the middle of several people and used it as the eye of the formation.Thinking back to the method taught by the twin elders yesterday, he lowered his qi to his dantian, and felt the breath around him with his mind.

It doesn't take much effort to make a cup of tea.

The demon wind around the formation became quieter.

Lingyan in the eyes of the formation, his eyes were tightly closed, his whole body was as calm as water, calm, but there were bursts of peaceful air spreading from around the formation, calming the surrounding resentment at a speed visible to the eyes.

That gloomy burst of coolness, after a quarter of an hour, was not so biting.

Strong spiritual power, when it comes to suppressing demons, is really more powerful than a first-level spiritual weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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