Chapter 234 XC Group
The sharp needle pierced into the blood vessel.

When he fell into the darkness, the heart-wrenching emotion gradually calmed down, but the tingling feeling in his heart still remained.

Due to the sedative, Lingyan fell into a coma, the expression on her pale face did not relax, and her delicate brows were tightly knitted, which made Xin's parents and mothers worried.

"Doctor, what's going on?" The two middle-aged men were at a loss for what to do about the situation.

The doctor looked at the medical record in his hand, pondered for a moment and said: "When the patient fell into a coma, it seemed that she had some kind of nightmare. Her body was too weak, and when she woke up from the nightmare, the dream and reality were confused. Now I can only wait for her Completely calm down, we can only wait and see."

Xin's father and mother were distressed, and while thanking the doctor, they secretly wiped away tears.

"My Xinxin's life is bitter... What crime did the two of us commit in our last life, let Xinxin suffer so much for us..."

It is not an exaggeration for Xin's father and Xin's mother to say that they are frequent visitors to this hospital.The doctor has known them for many years, and he couldn't help but feel sad when he heard the two say this.

He comforted: "It's the best ending for her to wake up now. It seems that the medicine developed by the laboratory I introduced to you last time is still very effective. They said that they will continue to donate free medicine to the hospital. You guys Keep using it..."

Xin Ma said gratefully: "Thank you for the doctor's introduction. We will definitely go to the laboratory to thank you some other day."

Chemotherapy expenses, hospitalization expenses and medical expenses have already worn down this originally wealthy family into debts.The free medicines developed in the laboratory relieved the family a lot of burden.

"Haha, that's not necessary." The doctor said with a smile: "It's supported by big companies over there, and returned medical students are developing it. What a great opportunity... If the drug they are developing now can help Xinxin, that would be even better. Yes. If you want to thank, thank the rich and powerful XC Group."

XC Group, that is a big company, not only has a strong medical team, but also develops film and television, hotel business, tourism development...

Chip's father and mother, who rarely pay attention to this kind of news, also know the title of XC Group.

After thanking you again, the doctor said: "What I told you last time, now that Xinxin is awake, you can discuss a time so that the hospital can arrange for the media to interview."

Since it is a free drug developed by a large group, it must be reported in the news to promote its reputation.

This matter was agreed a long time ago, but the patient suddenly fell into a coma and was delayed all the time.

Xin's father and mother looked at the thin person on the hospital bed, feeling distressed.

"Doctor, you can see that Xinxin is like this now, can you let the two of us accept an interview to thank the group, so that Xinxin will not come forward?" They asked in a discussing tone.

"I'm afraid it won't work."

The doctor shook his head, "I've known you for so many years, so I'll just say something straight. If you want to continue using free medicine, media interviews will definitely be indispensable. As a patient, Xinxin doesn't show up, how can you show the effect of this medicine? "

"When the media is interviewing, the group will also send people over. If you don't accept it, it means you don't give the group face. At that time, they will be unhappy and stop the medicine. What money do you have to buy it?"

The doctor's heartfelt words silenced Xin's parents.

After a while, Dad Xin said in a deep voice: "The medicine is still effective, we don't want to stop it, we will discuss it with Xinxin."

(End of this chapter)

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