Chapter 235 Reporter Qiaoqiao

Xin's father and mother worried for a long time, wondering if Xinxin would still fall into a nightmare when she woke up.

Regarding the matter of the media interview, I also thought of several sets of arguments, how to discuss this matter with her.

The result was unexpected. After Lingyan woke up, her mood was very calm, and she responded to the interview without hesitation.

Obedient and obedient, it seems to be an attitude of not caring.

Before she fell into a coma, she would often hold the novel under the pillow in her hand and read it over and over again.After waking up, she would still read it, but the novel was just flipping through a paragraph.

——Ling Wuyan, the second male lead who cannot be loved.

Her condition has been stable recently, so the interview was quickly arranged for this day.

The nurses in the hospital and the leaders they didn't know went in and out of her ward many times to rehearse.

In the empty white room, there were many bright bouquets.

When the dean came to the ward for review, he nodded with satisfaction, but he was a little dissatisfied when he looked at the person on the bed.

He walked to the hospital bed and said to Lingyan: "little girl, why are you so sad?"

Since Lingyan woke up, she would often be alone in a daze, lost in thought.Core's father and core's mother remained silent and didn't say anything.

It wasn't until the dean mentioned it today that Lingyan suddenly realized that she had been living with such a face these days.

She pulled her lips reluctantly, and said to the dean: "How can I be happy with my appearance?"

The seriously ill body is exposed to needles every day, and various drugs are injected into the body, subject to cumbersome examination and treatment.

She still can't act like a normal person... Sometimes it's even difficult to breathe...

Before she fell into a coma, she had been seriously ill, and she had always maintained an optimistic attitude, thinking that she would recover one day.But after she was in a coma, she experienced that nightmare world and had such a healthy body.

Owned and then lost.

How can she be happy now?
The dean didn't think about what Lingyan said, what kind of situation and what kind of emotion it was.

He just said: "This interview, XC Group attaches great importance to it. Many reporters have been invited to come here. You have to be happy... Only in this way can you reflect the achievements of XC's medical team building..."

Come on, talk a lot.

I just want Lingyan to smile, to show the joy of a freshman recovering from a serious illness, and to show great gratitude to XC Group.

Lingyan received help from others, so she naturally wanted to try her best to meet their requirements.

She raised her hand, tugged at her thin and pale face, and smiled a little.

This is a delicate little face. After showing a smile, although it is haggard, it is also extremely beautiful.

The dean smiled with satisfaction: "Yes, just keep it like this, and when the reporter interviews later, you should be more happy like this, and say more nice things."

Lingyan responded one by one.

The interviewer was also sent by the XC Group. First, the staff set up the photography items, and the host who interviewed Lingyan prepared in another room, and finally pushed the door in.

She was wearing a simple and elegant black suit, but because she was in the hospital, she specially changed her high heels to flat shoes.

Tall, with fair skin, a pair of watery eyes are beautiful and moving.

After seeing Lingyan, she smiled and said, "Hi Qin Xinxin, I'm a reporter from XC Group..."

Before she finished her self-introduction, the eyes of the person on the hospital bed were red.

Staring at her in disbelief, Lingyan murmured: "...Qiaoqiao?"

(End of this chapter)

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