Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 117 The Little Brothers in Jasmine Town

Chapter 117 The Little Brothers in Jasmine Town (18)
The appearance of the blacksmith's brother made Payne feel overshadowed. Seeing the change in An Luo's eyes, Jiaojiao realized that this man was not simple.

"No, he is your emperor, right?" Jiaojiao asked An Luo seriously.

"I don't recognize it!" An Luo lied!
"Even if you don't recognize it, you can still feel it! I can tell by the look in your eyes!" Jiaojiao said, her light magic attack had already rushed towards the blacksmith, who was looking in her direction, so she used the defense system to attack the blacksmith. Magic blocked the attack.

Seeing this, Payne was so excited that his pupils turned into the pupils of the Snake King: "Is he a monster! A very advanced one, right? Jiaojiao, let me help you!"

Two to one.

The blacksmith had to take out his weapon from the magic backpack and was forced to fight the two!
A good beauty pageant turned into a big battle. Sheriff Donald tried to stop it, but was involved in the fight. He didn't know who to help, so he had to jump out of the fight and shouted at An Luo: "Use Tianlei Array!"

An Luo's Heavenly Thunder Formation has been practiced perfectly in the sealed land, but it is still unknown whether it can be used outside the sealed land.

But now if we continue to ignore things and watch tigers fight, I'm afraid the town will be turned into ruins.The most frightening thing was that Max was there to help out and shouted to Jiaojiao and Payne: "Come over here, you can take a shot and you will become a prototype, and your combat power will increase ten thousand times. No money is charged!"

Or give it a try!An Luo calmed down and stretched out his hands to absorb the energy of heaven and earth. At this time, he realized that the aura in this world was really super-full, more than a hundred times stronger than that in the sealed place. She could only feel the tingling sensation of electric current flowing through her whole body. Cooperating with the dark magic, he used the stunt that he first awakened: the thunder came.

In an instant, Jiaojiao, Payne, the blacksmith, and Max who was so close to watch the excitement were all knocked down to the ground, unconscious.

Donald covered his eyes with his hands: "Honey! Are you overdoing it? Maybe it's all burnt?"

An Luo didn't think so, could he?She gave Donald a nervous look and told Donald, "It's nothing, just passed out."

Only then did Donald dare to go over, handcuffed all four of them, and used moving magic to bring them back to the detention room of the town committee, where they were held in isolation.I plan to educate them one by one when they wake up.

The competition had to be completed today, and it was not easy for Donald. He brought back the residents of the town one by one, and asked everyone to vote for the best male god.

At first, everyone was unwilling to vote again, but seeing Donald's unhappy look and An Luo standing next to him, thinking of the anger of the thunder that shocked the earth and tore the sky just now, decided to give up. Just watch a 3D live-action duel for free.

In the end, this year's hero champion is Blacksmith. Many people say that he is one against two, so handsome!

However, the four of them were locked up for a full 48 hours before being released.

Jiaojiao told everyone that Emperor Xuanyu was here and killed him.

Everyone else disagrees.

Max said: "Kill him, we may be captured by the Lord God, I don't want to lose my freedom."

"It's useless to kill him. He just failed in this world, and it doesn't matter." Payne said.

Donald asked her: "An Luo won't be happy about this, will he?"

Jiaojiao hesitated for a while, and said nothing more.

The blacksmith asked the crowd: "So you all know who I am, don't you? Who am I?"

The crowd was silent.

 I'm a little dizzy today, I wrote the title wrong, I'm ashamed
(End of this chapter)

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