Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 118 The Little Brothers in Jasmine Town

Chapter 118 The Little Brothers in Jasmine Town (19)
An Luo didn't know what kind of criticism and education the magistrate, Demon, Donald had given these few. Anyway, after 48 hours, the four of them were released.

With an innocent look on his face, Max hurried back to the hospital. After all, there are patients every day, and he has to help the world to save others.

Jiaojiao is still very wary of the blacksmith, and the eyes between the two are very wrong, as if a war is about to break out.Payne hastily dragged Jiaojiao away, leaving only An Luo facing the brother blacksmith.

"I know it all." The blacksmith's opening remarks were like this, "Mr. Donald told me everything. He said that I am Emperor Zun, you are my sealed magic weapon, and they are sealed demons."

"Oh, you know, that's the best! But let me tell you, although I am your sealed magic weapon, that is something in the fairy world. Here, I am independent and free, and you don't want to control it anymore. I."

"I don't." The blacksmith gently held An Luo's small hand, "I don't understand what he said at all, and I don't have any impression. I only know that I like you."

"Don't make trouble! I'm here to practice, not to fall in love!" An Luo broke free from his hand, turned around and wanted to escape.

"I know! Me too!" said the blacksmith behind her.

An Luo turned around and asked him, "What did you say?"

"I mean, I'm also here to practice, and I don't mean to be in love. I just expressed my heart just now. I don't expect your response."

"Really? This is the best."

"One thing, I must remind you." The blacksmith said to her, "Once the task is completed, we will leave this world, you know?"

"Really? If you leave, what will happen to this body?"

"There will be another time traveler entering this body, naturally we don't need to worry about it. My mission is almost completed, and I may leave at any time. So, even for me, please be vigilant enough, maybe one day, My soul is already another person." The blacksmith thought for a while, and added, "It's the same for Jiaojiao, Payne and the others, no matter how deep your relationship is, you have to be careful."

This is really information that An Luo doesn't know, she nodded.

Emperor Xuanyu Blacksmith brother is obviously desperate for this plane, and spends all his time practicing.An Luo felt that his words hinted a particularly good message, that is to say, this time, the time she spent on this plane was not calculated based on the lifespan of the host, but the time required to complete the task.

If you work hard enough and fast enough, you can reach the highest value of mana that you can get in the shortest time, and then you can leave this plane.In this case, there is no reason to dawdle, of course, it is necessary to practice with all your strength.

Flowers are planted, vegetables are collected, food is sold, and little monsters are farmed!
After Jiaojiao was awkward for two days, seeing that there seemed to be no sparks between An Luo and the blacksmith, she gradually became less jealous and just concentrated on upgrading her cooking skills.

An Luo went to the blacksmith shop to buy weapons, but there was still no discount.

"By the way, as someone you like, can't you even have a [-]% discount?"

"You can get a [-]% discount if you spend over [-] million yuan, and you're almost there, come on!" The blacksmith was as unselfish as ever, "However, I can give you a kiss as a gift."


(End of this chapter)

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