Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 126 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me

Chapter 126 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me (03)
The thin willow branches tightly wrapped around Fengniao's right paw, Fengniao looked up at the willow tree helplessly: "Are you courting death?"

"I will never let you take the little stone." Willow replied.

The phoenix shook its paw lightly, and the willow branches shattered.

Little Nine Tails and Young Snake were anxious when they saw this, they rushed over together, but they still didn't take advantage.

Fengniao was showing mercy, and didn't use all her strength, but she didn't want them to harass her.It didn't understand and asked: "This is just a stone, why are you so persistent."

"In your eyes, it's just a rock, but to us, it's our childhood sweetheart." Xiao Jiuwei said.

Childhood sweetheart?For the first time, An Luo knew how Master Nine-Tails viewed himself, the Tree Demon and the Snake King in this way.

"If I take it away, it will only benefit its cultivation." Fengniao said kindly.

"Being someone's pet, no matter how good it is, can't compare to the freedom of self-cultivation." Snake King retorted.

Fengniao looked at them and squinted his eyes: "I don't want to talk nonsense with you, I must take it away, whoever stands in my way, die!" He took a step back, his whole body tensed up, and started to fight Prepare.

Seeing that a bloody battle was about to begin, An Luo said: "Everyone stop, Nine-Tails, Little Snake, Willow, thank you and thank you for your care during this time. I agree to go with him."

"Why?" Willow asked.

"After all, the aura here is limited. For the sake of practice, I also need a wider world. Nine tails and little snake will leave here when they grow up. I can't move by myself. Maybe the appearance of the phoenix bird is a part of me. Opportunity. And to be honest, if I’m here, I’m competing with you, Liu Shu, for resources.” An Luo explained.

All the demons were speechless, only Xiao Jiuwei came over and kissed An Luo lightly: "Then there will be a time later, little stone."

Seeing that no one objected, Fengniao dug An Luo out of the soil, transformed it into a golden gem, and embedded it in the feathers on his forehead.

At this moment, in the hole where An Luo was dug out, a plume of black smoke rose, and a young demon shook the mist on his body, jumped on the ground a few times, and shouted happily: "Master Ben!" become free!"

Fengniao exclaimed: "Is this stone a natural seal fairy stone?"

Nine tails almost died of laughter: "Hahaha, black phoenix bird, didn't expect that? You released the evil spirit from the underground world with your own hands, let's see what your reputation is."

"It's okay, just get rid of it." Feng Niao looked at Qi Mei confidently, raised her feathers, and launched an attack in an instant.

Unexpectedly, Qi Mei dodged easily, and exuded a black aura covering the entire mountain, saying to Fengniao: "If you attack again, all living beings on the entire mountain will be wiped out!"

The phoenix stared at it for a while, then flapped its wings and flew to the sky.

"You don't have any psychological burden?" An Luo asked Fengniao in the sky.

"What a psychological burden."

"You released the demon, it may turn the world upside down," An Luo said.

"Even if I don't release it, when it becomes an adult, it will still be able to break through your natural barrier and regain your freedom. At that time, you may be smashed to pieces."

"Why do you have to take me away?"

"Because you have merged into my blood and gained powerful spiritual power. If you are used by evil monsters, the consequences may be disastrous, so I want to keep you by my side."

(End of this chapter)

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