Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 127 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me

Chapter 127 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me (04)
An Luo didn't fly out long after following the phoenix bird, when he heard a strange scream behind him.

The phoenix turned its head, and it saw Qi Mei flying up into the sky, absorbing the aura of the whole mountain.

"No, it's not spiritual energy." Feng Niao looked at it for a while, "It's life, the life energy of this mountain has been sucked away by it."

"Oops, those Nine Tails."

"Don't worry, they're not that fragile."

Fengniao said, flew back, and confronted the ghost in the air: "You lied to me."

"Haven't you heard a lot of nonsense?" Qi Mei said with a smile, "That's me! You should believe it. Besides, with your current physical condition, can you really beat me? If I'm not wrong, you'll suffer Seriously injured, right? It’s obviously not us evil ghosts who can hurt you, so it can be seen that not all of you immortals are kind. You should do it yourself!”

After Yan Mei finished speaking, she disappeared without a trace.

Fengniao swooped down, landed at the foot of a mountain, and spat out another mouthful of blood.

An Luo asked it: "With so much blood, does this land belong to you?"

"That's not the case. The drop of blood just now is different. It is the blood of the phoenix forehead that has condensed nearly half of my spiritual power. There is only this drop in the world, and there is nothing else. Those phoenixes chased and killed me just to get this drop of blood. Unexpectedly, I was absorbed by you." Fengniao replied weakly.

Only then did An Luo realize that he had absorbed nearly half of the spiritual power of the phoenix bird, and it was seriously injured. No wonder he had been bluffing just now and didn't really attack the group of monsters. It turned out that he couldn't do what he wanted.

Fengniao found a hidden place and said she wanted to take a rest.An Luo gained a lot of spiritual power this time, and he was one step closer to completing the mission on this plane.

An Luo rested with Fengniao, absorbing the surrounding aura along the way.

Suddenly, she found some very powerful auras around her, but they seemed to come from bad intentions, as if they were full of murderous aura.

With the blood of the phoenix bird, An Luo can become an entity.So she changed into the form of a little girl, quietly came out from the place where the phoenix bird was perched, and looked around.

Three golden phoenixes turned into two men and one woman, and one of the women said, "That kid is obviously seriously injured, where will he escape?"

"The place where it fell just now was occupied by the little demon. Could it be that it has been eaten by the demon?" a man said.

"That's impossible, it's impossible for the demon to eat it, after all, they are brothers."

An Luo was taken aback, feeling that he had heard something extraordinary.

"Damn it, Xuanyu is simply a disgrace to our phoenix. This time we must take the blood of its phoenix forehead and kill it." It was a man's voice.

So, this black phoenix bird is Xuan Yu, and it and Qi Mei are actually brothers?An Luo felt that the world was a bit chaotic, and she wanted to return to the sealed land.

She didn't know what to do, thinking that if they didn't come over, she would hide quietly, and if they came over, let's talk.

One of the phoenixes flew into the sky, looked down, and came back here again. It was a female voice: "It's a hundred miles around, this is the best place for healing, follow me!"

What are they afraid of, what are they coming for, they really walked towards the place where Xuan Yu was resting.

An Luo took a deep breath, walked out from the woods, and stopped in front of the three phoenixes.

"Little girl? Why are you alone in the mountains? Have you ever seen a black phoenix?" The female phoenix asked her gently.

(End of this chapter)

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