Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 129 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me

Chapter 129 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me (06)
From the boy's eyebrows, An Luo also recognized that it was Xuan Yu, and almost burst into tears.

She gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. She didn't intend to be seen by him, but he caught this detail with sharp eyes.

He came to her side, leaned down and asked her: "little sister, are you hurt? Where is the injury? Is it very painful?"

"Here." An Luo pointed to his right arm.

Xuan Yu helped An Luo take a look, and applied a healing spell, which quickly healed the wound.

"Fortunately, it is a skin trauma, and it is easy to heal. If there is a fracture, it will be more troublesome." Xuanyu said, "You just got a real body, and you may not be used to it. You must be careful in the future to avoid injury. "

An Luo raised his head alertly: "Did you recognize me?"

"I know, you are a little stone."

"Have you seen the phantoms of my changes before? So..." An Luo suddenly realized, "What happened today is all in your plan, right?"

Xuan Yu realized his slip of the tongue, and his face turned even paler.

An Luo raised his head and looked into his eyes aggressively: "If I'm not mistaken, what kind of blood on the forehead of the phoenix is ​​trying to take me away. It's a cover-up. Your real purpose is to release the charm, right?"

"You are right, releasing the evil spirit is indeed my ultimate goal. However, I really want to give you the blood of the phoenix forehead, and I really want to take you to practice."

Xuan Yu told An Luo that he accidentally learned that his younger brother, Qi Mei, was sealed shortly after he was born, and he wanted to release it.After searching for a long time, he finally found An Luo, the sealing stone, and sensed the faint aura of the charm here.

He observed for a few days, trying to find a suitable opportunity to release the enchantment, but at this stage, he noticed that this sealing stone sometimes transformed into a cute girl, which made him even more reluctant to do it lightly.

Xuan Yu is the eldest son born to the King of Ten Thousand Phoenixes and the Queen of Demon Demon, and Mi Mei is the second son.

One of these brothers is like a father and the other is like a mother.

As soon as Xuan Yu was born, he attracted the attention of all worlds. After all, black phoenixes are not common. He is even regarded as the most powerful existence in Qihuang Mountain, just like a prince.However, Mei Mei, his father was regarded as an evil spirit that shouldn't exist, and was quietly sealed away.

For this reason, their mother left in anger and disappeared.The father also started the long road of chasing his wife.

At the same time, the young Xuan Yu who lost the protection of his parents had no choice but to start a life of being dependent on others, and gradually became the coveted object of many senior brothers and sisters because of his powerful spiritual power.

Finally, taking advantage of the master's absence, several senior brothers and sisters wanted to create an accident, seize its phoenix forehead blood, divide it and eat it, and replenish its spiritual energy.

They used poison in Xuan Yu's food to make Xuan Yu unconscious, and while it was unconscious, they wanted to give it a fatal blow.

"Anyway, it's not a real phoenix, it's actually a descendant of Yaoxie, right?" Senior Sister said.

"Isn't it! Such a thing will turn black sooner or later. It's better to get rid of it as soon as possible. It's for the sake of all living beings." The brother said.

"We are eliminating harm for the people!" Another brother added.

But Xuan Yu's resistance to the poison was far beyond their imagination, he just fell into a coma for a while, and then woke up immediately.He ran away in a hurry, but still received a heavy blow because of lack of energy.

It resisted and went to the willow tree where An Luo was, and dripped the blood of the phoenix forehead on An Luo. Using this as an excuse, it released the evil spirit, and took the opportunity to take away the cute little stone girl.

(End of this chapter)

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