Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 130 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me

Chapter 130 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me (07)
What Xuanyu didn't expect was that this little stone was so powerful that it even killed three of his senior brothers and sisters in seconds when he was injured. Of course, they did have something to eat.

What he didn't even expect was that she would discover his scheme so easily.

This little rock is a little tricky.

However, Qihuang Mountain will soon know that the three phoenixes have been killed, and an investigation will definitely be launched at that time. It is absolutely impossible for Huofeng, the lord of Qihuang Mountain, to let this matter go.

To tell this little stone, be careful in everything.

"I'm sorry if you think I've taken advantage of you." Xuan Yu seemed a little nervous, and didn't even dare to look at her directly. "Then, are you still willing to practice with me?"

"I am willing."

"Really?" Xuan Yu raised his head, his eyes seemed to glow.

"Of course it's true. In fact, your plan doesn't matter to me. I don't care whether everything you do is careless or intentional. Moreover, I also want to thank you for giving me the blood of the phoenix forehead. In this way, Only then can I have an entity like this," An Luo explained.

Xuan Yu showed an innocent smile, sure enough, he is still a child now.He asked, "What's your name?"

"I don't have a name yet, can you give me a name?"

"An Luo, this name suits you very well." Xuan Yu explained.

"May I ask what that means?"

"In a silent place, weave a net quietly and cover everything."

To put it simply, it means making a fortune in silence, right?An Luo understood by himself.

Xuan Yu looked at the corpses of several senior brothers and sisters again, and sighed: "I want to take them back."

"Can't you just pretend you don't know?" An Luo asked him.

"No, if you want people not to know, unless you do nothing yourself."

"But we two will be punished for this?"

"It's not the two of us." Xuan Yu said, "It's me, you stay on top of me, quietly be a stone, no matter what happens, don't come out. I will tell them that I killed myself."

"How can I do that? One person does something and one person does it."

"Now you are my rock, even if they want to punish you, it will drag me down, so it is better for me to bear it alone, so as to save trouble." Xuan Yu explained.

Xuan Yu cleaned up the corpses of the three phoenixes, put them in a bag, let An Luo return to his head and turned it into a gemstone, and flew in the direction of Qihuang Mountain.

It's just that his physical condition doesn't seem to be very good. He stops and goes, and takes a rest in the mountains from time to time, absorbing some spiritual energy to replenish energy along the way.

"Are you okay? Why are you always pale?"

"The internal injury is not easy to heal. When I flew away, I was accidentally stabbed in the abdomen by the sword of the senior sister. Although the external injury has been repaired, the internal injury that cannot be seen inside will take a while to heal."

"Let's find a place to have a good rest, and I'll find you some herbs."

"It's too late, let's take the corpse back first."

Xuan Yu had a little persistence, insisted on flying for a whole day, and finally returned to Qihuang Mountain.

There is a majestic and majestic palace here. Looking at the architectural style, An Luo knows that the people living here have either traveled through the world or studied abroad. In short, they must be immortal cultivators who have studied abroad. Not bumpkins.

After entering the tall and spacious main hall, Xuan Yu knelt on the ground and put down three corpses.

Everyone at the scene was stunned and began to whisper. Several people rushed over and howled.

The person sitting above the main hall is the current King of Myriad Phoenixes, Xuanyu's uncle, Huofeng.Seeing the scene in front of him, he was furious: "Xuanyu, tell me, what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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