Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 136 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me

Chapter 136 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me (13)
Being the leader of Xiaoxiaohuaishuwu is meaningless to Xuan Yu.

"Why waste your time here?"

"Are you in a hurry to go out?" An Luo asked him, "There is so much aura here, why don't you stay for a while longer? It's better than going back to Qihuang Mountain to intrigue, right?"

"The problem is that if you become their leader, you have to take responsibility. The simplest point is that I can't kill them casually. Instead, I have to consider their safety in everything." Xuanyu sighed in the leader's house in Huaishuwu. Take a breath.

An Luo feels that there are many contradictions between his id, ego and superego.In his superego, he is a leader-like figure with a strong sense of responsibility and strives for perfection in everything; if it is me, he is an indifferent guy who doesn't care about anything: as for me and his younger brother They are exactly the same, but in fact, they want to destroy this world from the bottom of their hearts.

It's really hard for him.

"You are weak now, so you should take a break. What if we are unable to defeat a powerful opponent? Wouldn't it be a bad idea to take the opportunity of being the leader to investigate the situation of the entire Sanlong Island?"

"It seems to make a little sense." Xuan Yu nodded and checked the information on the leader's side.

Here, there is no information.

"Maybe, most of the people here can't write?" An Luo smiled awkwardly.

"You can write?" Xuan Yu looked at her in surprise.

"Yes." An Luo said, and wrote down his own name and Xuan Yu's name with a piece of charcoal.

Xuan Yu looked at it and said, "What kind of ghost painting symbol is this?"

Sure enough, the current writing is completely different from An Luo's era.

It was impossible to check the information. Fortunately, he still found a map of Sanlong Island. Although the drawing on it was rough, he could finally see the general appearance.

Xuan Yu summoned all the people in Huaishuwu, and asked if anyone could explain the map of Sanlong Island or what they knew about Sanlong Island.

An old man stood up tremblingly: "The old man knows, and he is willing to explain it to the leader."

According to the old man's explanation, Sanlong Island is divided into four layers. There are twelve villages in the outermost circle, eight small towns in the inner circle, four small cities in the third layer, and the capital city of Sanlong Island in the center, the Gate of Ascension. right here.

"If the leader wants to pass through the Ascension Gate, he just needs to walk in this direction." The old man seemed to see Xuan Yu's thoughts, "But you have just become our leader, if you leave now, it is really Very irresponsible."

"Okay, grandpa, I understand." Xuan Yu blushed in embarrassment, "I won't leave for the time being, don't worry."

"Hehehe, that's good."

An Luo looked at Xuan Yu, and said a word: "I will suffer for my face."

"Isn't it the trouble you caused?"

"Who asked you to kill the leader of the family? If you show mercy, we'll be fine?"

The two were silent.

After a while, Xuan Yu surrendered first: "Actually, being a leader is also an opportunity, maybe this Sanlong Island can become a testing ground for my leadership ability!"

An Luo felt that even Lord Emperor Zun was in the same secondary school at the age of 12.

But Xuanyu did what he said, the first thing is to register the names, races, purposes, and eating habits of all the residents of Huaishuwu.

"They all say they love cannibalism."

"Then ask them if they have an alternative diet! Let them stop eating people in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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