Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 137 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me

Chapter 137 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me (14)
Sanlong Island still has a certain ecological environment. Although there is extreme cold and magma, the corresponding weird creatures still exist. For these monsters, these weird creatures are edible.What's more, there are still some normal natural environments here.Therefore, basically, the life of men farming and women weaving can also be realized.

It is somewhat difficult for these monsters to live a peaceful and civilized life, but they are afraid of being serious in everything, not to mention Xuanyu's super strength, whoever dares not listen will be wiped out. It's much faster.

There are more than 300 monsters in Huaishuwu, they have no family concept, so they can only be counted according to the number of people, not according to the family statistics.In order to manage it more smoothly, a security chief management system has also been implemented here. Every 20 people are managed by one security chief.If there is any problem in a group of 20 people, it will be solved by the security chief first, and if it cannot be solved, it will be reported to the leader.

If there is a fight with other villages, Xuanyu will personally resolve it.

Because of the high aura in Sanlong Island, the plants grow fast and well. Apart from eating it, it is also used to raise pheasants, wild boars, wild ducks and wild sheep.

Basically, here transitioned from the era of barbaric slaughter to the era of farming.

There is also a little girl here, about eleven or twelve years old, who often comes to play with An Luo.But An Luo is no longer a child after all, so he just put it off and helped Xuan Yu handle the affairs of Huaishuwu most of the time.

However, she felt that the little girl's ulterior motives might not be in the wine, but in Xuan Yu's body.It's no wonder, such a cute boy, it's very common for a little girl to like him.So An Luo didn't think much about it.

After a few months, some neighboring villages saw that Huaishuwu was developing better, and even had food reserves. They were quite jealous and caught the monsters who came to rob them. Fortunately, the guards discovered them early and wiped them out quickly.

The town leader gradually learned about the situation in Huaishuwu, and thought it was very good, so he sent someone to find Xuanyu in the town, saying that he wanted to find out about the situation, and by the way, see if other villages could learn to be self-sufficient in Sanlong Island self-sufficient approach.This might change the image of Sanlong Island.

Therefore, Xuan Yu decided to go to the town.

"Shall I go with you too?" An Luo asked him.

"That would be the best. It's just that it's the autumn harvest recently, and a lot of ghost rice needs to be harvested. If these monsters can't coordinate, it may affect the final yield." Xuan Yu seemed a little worried.

An Luo said to him: "No problem, anyway, I am very familiar with everyone, and I often help you supervise and manage it. This time, leave it to me!"

Xuan Yu hesitated for a moment, but still agreed: "I'm just worried that you are too young and that they won't listen to you."

"What are you afraid of? A fox pretends to be a tiger. With your backing, who would dare not listen?" An Luo was still full of confidence.

The next day, Xuan Yu announced to everyone that he was going to the town, saying that the affairs of Huaishuwu would be handed over to An Luo.

"If anyone disobeys An Luo's order, the leader will be punished heavily after he returns!"


All the security chiefs also said: "Please rest assured, the leader, we must obey the management of Master An Luo."

An Luo was also fascinated by the heart of the Holy Mother who persuaded people to be good. She couldn't see the staring eyes of these hungry ghosts at all, and she didn't even take their whispers seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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