Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 139 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me

Chapter 139 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me (16)
Xuan Yu was right, from the very beginning, he should regard this place as his hunting paradise, in that case, it would be easy and fun.

But An Luo didn't want to become an emotionless devil, and she didn't want Xuan Yu to become like this.

But now, she had to admit that she was wrong.

Is he the one who hunted and killed the man-eating monsters a devil?No, it's an angel!
No, so what if it is a devil?

An Luo stretched out her hands and began to absorb the aura. Her absorption range ranged from ten meters to 20 meters, 50 meters, and 100 meters. What she didn't expect was that the entire Huaishuwu was within her absorption range. All the monsters were immobilized for an instant, and had to be obediently absorbed by the aura.Moreover, An Luo's absorption capacity is still showing exponential growth.

The bat demon grabbed the pillar and asked puzzledly, "Why? What kind of monster are you?"

"I'm not a monster, I'm a fairy! If there's anything strange, it's because you've consumed too much of my mana these days. I'm starving right now. The aura in your village is only enough for me to have a full meal." That's all!" An Luo whispered to her while absorbing the spiritual energy.

"When the leader comes back, we will sue you, saying that you are a witch, and you sucked our spiritual energy while the leader is away!" the bat demon said viciously.

After hearing these words, all the monsters who had absorbed the spiritual energy echoed, "Sister Bat is right, you are a witch!"

"Did you see? If you let go now, there is still time for everything, and we will act as if nothing happened between us. Otherwise, if we all sue you together, do you think the leader will believe you?" The bat demon saw that he had gotten With the support of everyone, he immediately got excited and began to threaten An Luo blatantly.

An Luo had almost absorbed enough spiritual energy, so he stopped. If he couldn't digest any more, it would be bad for his body.

The bat demon became even more rampant, flew up, and said to An Luo: "Even if you are sensible, I will keep my word. I will act as if nothing happened today."

The group of demons in Huaishuwu got up one after another and wanted to disperse, but An Luo called them back: "Everyone, wait a minute, the music I promised you just now hasn't started yet! Don't you want to have a carnival?" Well? My sister will give you something interesting!"

After she finished speaking, she raised her finger to the sky: "Heavenly thunder is coming!"

The spell Xuan Yu used before gave An Luo some inspiration. Now this Huaishuwu is surrounded by magma lakes. Using the sky thunder to attract the water of the magma lake can create super lethality.

The more than 300 monsters present only felt the thunder and lightning, followed by the golden light shining, and then there was nothing else.

All the monsters in Huaishuwu were reduced to ashes.

This was originally imagined by these demons, An Luo's ending, but unexpectedly became their own ending.

The bat demon still maintained the shape of a bat, and when the wind blew, it turned into powder and dissipated.

An Luo sat beside the ghost rice pile, looked at the ashes all over the sky, and the unburned bones on the ground, lamented his stupidity and the Virgin, shed tears, turned into a stone, and fell into a deep sleep.

It seems that someone is coming.

An Luo followed the prestige and saw that it was Xuan Yu, calling her name.

She transformed into a young girl, and shouted to Xuan Yu: "I am here."

Xuan Yu rushed over and hugged her tightly: "I was scared to death, I thought something happened to you."

"I'm fine. Why are you back so early?"

"There was a vision in Huaishuwu last night. I'll come back to see what's going on."


"What happened last night? Why did you sleep here? Why is there no one in the village?" Xuan Yu felt that something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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