Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 140 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me

Chapter 140 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me (17)
Seeing the girl in front of him pretending to be calm, but tears falling down like a broken thread, Xuan Yu felt a burst of heartache.

He really wanted to kiss An Luo, but he was worried that she felt that he was not reserved enough, so he tried his best to restrain his thoughts, and just helped her wipe away tears: "It's all my fault, I shouldn't have left you alone."

"No, it's not your fault, it's because I shouldn't let you be a broken leader."

"I will never leave you again, we will be together if we encounter any difficulties." Xuan Yu said word by word.

An Luo was a little worried, what would happen if the town knew about it, she told Xuan Yu about her worries.

Unexpectedly, Xuan Yu laughed: "I have already eliminated the leader of the town, including a few monsters he was close to."

"Really, why?" An Luo looked at him in surprise.

He made a silent motion with his fingers: "Don't ask, you won't want to know."

So now there is nothing to hesitate, just go ahead and get out of this horrible world as soon as possible.

Suddenly, an ethereal voice came from behind the ghostly rice pile: "You pair of villains killed hundreds of souls in Sanlong Island. Facing these corpses, you really don't regret it, but you still love each other here. Do you still have any sense of shame? ? Today, I, the Lord God of Myriad Worlds, will act for the heavens and eradicate you pair of murderous madmen!"

An Luo knew that this was not the voice of the Lord of Myriad Realms, but the voice of another acquaintance in disguise;

Xuan Yu also heard it, and said coldly: "Don't believe him, the Lord God of Myriad Realms won't come here!" He pointed to the back of the ghost rice pile, and the two split up to outflank it.

When An Luo arrived, Xuan Yu had already caught the pretending guy, and as expected, it was Xiao Mei.

I saw Xuan Yu grabbed one of Qi Mei's feet and lifted him upside down.

Yan Mei struggled and shouted: "Good brother, put me down quickly! I'm so dizzy!"

Xuan Yu smiled and put him down, he ran to An Luo angrily, and said to her: "Miss sister, my brother bullied me, you have to protect me!"

An Luo pinched his pink and handsome face, and said, "Okay! You will follow my sister from now on!"

"Then, little sister, give me a hug!"

Just as An Luo stretched out his hand to hug him, Xuan Yu rushed over and pulled him aside: "You are omnipotent, and you still want to hug him?"

"This is a child's privilege! Who made you grow up now? Go, go, you clearly see that Miss Sister likes me, you are jealous!"


An Luo half-kneeled on the ground, and hugged Xiao Mei. At the age of six, he looked smart, lively and cute, and he was very likable. He knew at a glance that he would be a super beauty who would make countless girls feel sad in the future.The most important thing is that she really feels sorry for this child who was sealed at the age of three.

Xuan Yu was very helpless, but seeing that An Luo liked Xiao Mei so much, he couldn't say anything, so he asked him: "Qi Mei, why did you come here? You know, it's very dangerous here!"

"At first, I thought so too. After all, everyone talked about danger, terror, purgatory, etc. But after thinking about it for a few months, my brother would never do something to die, so maybe there is another world here. Of course, in the end The main thing is that the aura of the surrounding hills was sucked away by me, and it didn’t feel interesting, so I wanted to challenge the hell mode. So I came in. I didn’t expect to see the spectacle of sky thunder mixed with magma when I arrived here last night. In the morning, I hid in the ghost rice stack and heard you talking."

Speaking of this, Qi Mei took a closer look at An Luo again: "I just didn't expect Miss Shitou to be so powerful!"

(End of this chapter)

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