Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 141 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me

Chapter 141 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me (18)
The sky still smelled of sulfur mixed with lightning strikes and magma. Gradually, perhaps the dust accumulated water droplets, and the heavy rain poured down.

Acid rain, to be exact?
"This Sanlong Island is quite interesting." Qi Mei reached out to catch a few drops of rainwater, and the strong corrosive acid hissed on his skin, "Fortunately, I was born with an indestructible body! But I still feel quite Exciting."

"Speaking of which, it's all my fault." An Luo was full of guilt, "I didn't know that this spell would cause ecological changes."

"Although I don't know what you're talking about, I think it makes sense." Xiao Qimei said to An Luo coquettishly, "Miss sister, why do you know everything?"

An Luo touched his slightly curly hair: "Why is your mouth so sweet, little baby?"

Xuan Yu cleared his throat at the side: "Ahem, Mi Mei, don't bother An Luo anymore, she didn't have a good rest yesterday."

Qi Mei laughed: "Brother is really jealous!" After speaking, he kissed An Luo on the cheek, and flew into the sky, "Hey, I won't bother you anymore, bye!"

Xuan Yu looked at Mi Mei in the sky, and shook his head: "This child is still so naughty and cute."

This doesn't look like jealous at all, it's clearly a spoiled brother madman!

Thinking about it carefully, he will seal his younger brother later because he loves him, right?After all, it is not a good thing for him to let him do evil in the world.

So here comes the question, why did such a cute Mei Mei become the head of the four demon kings later on?What exactly did they go through?
"What are you thinking?" Xuan Yu tapped An Luo's head, "Everyone has two sides, he likes you, so he will show the best side in front of you, but when he meets someone he doesn't like, he can Showing his devilish side. The scary thing is that there are not many people in this world that he likes, luckily, you and I are among them."

"Is it true that your brother is okay?"

"I'm just stating the facts. Although this world is bad, there must be a bright side. I hope he will grow up gradually, forget the unpleasant childhood, and reconcile with this world, right?" Xuan Yu sighed.

An Luo looked at him, and said in his heart to reconcile your size, now you are still in purgatory, go out first and then talk!

Xuanyu's feathers are also full of divine power, so they will not be affected by the storm at all, even if it is acid rain.In fact, even if he entered the magma lake, he didn't care.A few days ago, he even went swimming, and he said that the phoenix was born from the ashes of fire, and he was not afraid of heat at all.

An Luo was above Xuan Yu's forehead, and he could see the situation of Sanlong Island downward.

Now Huaishuwu has become barren, and the harvested ghost rice is out of control. Now it is running everywhere. It is estimated that it will go to other villages in a few days, and it will be used to deliver food to them.

Xuan Yu originally didn't want to fly to Xiaoxi Town, but now that town has become a mess.for their leader has been slain.

Everyone knew that the last person the leader asked to meet was Xuan Yu, and since Xuan Yu had disappeared, it was clear at a glance who the murderer was.

So they sent a team of demons to capture Xuan Yu.

The heaven and earth nets had already been laid, and they were just waiting for Xuan Yu to appear.Because the villages and towns on the left and right did not get along well with Xuanyu, he was actually facing enemies from three sides, no matter which direction he flew, he would always encounter enemies.

In this case, let's fly in the direction of the Ascension Stone and go forward without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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