Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 142 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me

Chapter 142 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me (19)
However, those icy blue and slightly transparent monsters in front of them have blocked the way. They all hold long spears and fly in the air. Their black and narrow pupils reveal a fierce light. It seems that the visitors are not good.

"I heard that Xuan Yu is a black phoenix, so you must be it!" asked the leader demon.

"Yes, it is next!"

"That's right, die!" the demon said, holding up a long spear and stabbing towards him.

Xuan Yu flew to dodge, but this long spear seemed to be able to freeze the air, as if it had a condensate.Soon in the sky, countless icicles and icicles pierced through it, as if you were in a silver thorn bush, and your body would be cut if you were not careful.

The temperature brought by their ice-type monsters is getting lower and lower, as bitter as winter, and soon, a blizzard is coming.

As Yan Mei said, this world is really exciting. You can experience extreme heat, extremely low pH, and extreme cold. Where can you find a better testing ground than this?

Xuan Yu obviously wasn't in a hurry, he just accumulated some strength and made a big move.

Compared with extreme heat, extreme cold is really no match.

The absolute zero in the universe is only minus 273 degrees Celsius, but the temperature at the center of the sun can reach hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius. How unfair is this?
But this kind of existence is for the human beings on the earth, right?Taking the freezing point of water as the cut-off point of hot and cold is the factor that causes this unfairness, right?
An Luo was distracted. When she watched these menacing ice and snow monsters being engulfed by the flames, she felt sorry for them: "Bai has been busy for so long, setting up formations and making ice walls, going back and forth, all the time. It turns into water vapor in seconds."

"Stop sarcasm, let's mourn for them! Or pray, and hope that they will not be demons in the next life. This is what a kind person should do!" Xuan Yu said, and continued to fly to Xiaoxi Town.

"It's so ironic for you to say this!" An Luo muttered, feeling that the young Xuanyu's secondary illness was actually quite serious. In this way, it's hard to imagine what that little demon will develop into when he reaches puberty. up.Charming anyway, for sure.

"What are you talking about? It's windy, I can't hear you clearly."

When he arrived in Xiaoxi Town, An Luo realized how strong the resentment of these monsters was.There are all kinds of weird Apiao in the sky, grinning in her ears from time to time, creating panic.

But they really have no lethality, they are just ghosts, without any entity, and it is impossible to absorb their aura.

Xuan Yu and An Luo simply turned a blind eye to these Ah Piao.

Sure enough, they are all just cover-ups. Although they can't completely block their sight, they can always disturb some attention.In this way, some combat monsters in full armor rushed in front of Xuan Yu: "Being able to come to Xiaoxi Town shows that you are already very strong, but it is impossible to reach the Gate of Ascension based on these." A burly man with a bull's head, holding a baseball bat made of beech tree, to be exact, it was a stick, An Luo just thought it looked like a baseball bat.

This guy even flung himself at Xuan Yu recklessly.

"It's so annoying!" Xuan Yu easily caught the baseball bat, followed the weapon, and quickly sucked away its spiritual power.

The reason why it is so fast is because An Luo is also absorbing spiritual power, and the two of them work together, of course they can achieve better results.

Seeing this burly bull-headed man limply down, and someone reporting the annihilation of the Ice and Snow Legion just now, the residents of this small town finally gave up their sense of honor and pride. What is the matter of avenging the town leader? It will all be forgotten soon.

They only held on for a while, and then they escaped on the pretext of various things.

(End of this chapter)

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