Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 143 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me

Chapter 143 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me (20)
"So, are we not going to avenge the leader?" a demon asked.

"What is the leader? Is life important? Look at those two demons, run for your life!" another demon said.

Xuan Yu took An Luo and flew over the small town without hindrance.Occasionally, a few demons would be encountered, but they all ran away in a hurry.

It's just that this matter quickly spread throughout the island, and Xuan Yu and An Luo became the enemies of all the monsters on the island.

The island owner obviously won't let it go.

"Kill! Kill me quickly!" The island owner gave an order to all the monsters on the island, and when they met Xuan Yu and that little girl, kill them without mercy.

But there is no such thing as pardon in this kind of place.

The deeper the island, the hotter the air, and the monsters that can live here seem to be heat-loving.

The sky here is covered with black smoke, unlike the surrounding Huaishuwu, the bright sky cannot be seen at all.

After flying here for a while, Xuan Yu landed on the ground, pecked his own feathers, and said angrily: "The feathers are all stained by black smoke, damn it."

An Luo retorted: "Your feathers are originally black, and you can't tell if they are dirty!"

"You can't say that? Your hair is also black. Can you not wash it?"

"Oh my God! How dare you say such things to girls? No wonder you have never had a date!" An Luo was speechless.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, haha!"

While the two were resting, a little hare ghost floated over.

An Luo was also bored, and reached out to pat it, but nothing was photographed, just like the air.

The ghost of the hare said to her: "You are from the outside world, right? It is your luck not to be eaten."

"Why are there so many ghosts here?" An Luo suddenly felt that this matter was unusual.

"We are creatures that accidentally broke in. After entering, we were eaten, and we couldn't leave, so we had to wander around as ghosts." The hare ghost said.

"But why do you listen to those monsters?" An Luo asked it.

"As long as you listen to them, they will find some bodies for us to possess, so everyone is working hard. But we are actually not lethal." The hare ghost said.

Of course An Luo knew that as A Piao, they were harmless, but sometimes they would attach to objects and then move with them, which was quite annoying in battle.

Yesterday, she met a black bear monster attached to a big rock, the power is simply amazing.

Fortunately, she is also a rock, the hardest kind.

"Instead of looking for a body to possess on this small broken island, it's better to leave this island and reincarnate in the underworld!" An Luo asked the hare ghost.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" The hare looked at her, maybe thinking that her thoughts were a little crazy, "Leave this island? How is it possible?" After saying that, it floated away.

"It doesn't even want to try!" An Luo sighed.

"After all, it's just a little rabbit. If you can't bear to see it in such a situation, do your best to change its environment!" Xuan Yu said.

An Luo looked at him in surprise: "You can cook chicken soup sometimes!"

"I don't eat chicken."

"Forget it, when I didn't say it."

The two rested for a while, and when they were about to leave, two giant magma beasts blocked their way.

These two behemoths were very irritable, they rushed towards Xuan Yu and An Luo without asking anything.

"Go back to my forehead!" Xuan Yu said.

"No! I'm hungry!" An Luo said, ready to fight.She could tell that this was the most powerful giant beast she had encountered recently, and it could be as powerful as the hundred waste wood demons in Huaishuwu if they sucked up their aura.

(End of this chapter)

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