Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 145 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me

Chapter 145 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me (22)
An Luo is ready to fight, and it looks like another feast.

Unexpectedly, Qi Mei, that six-year-old child, prepared a speech.

I saw him standing in the sky, and said to these ghosts and monsters: "You guys, are you willing to go with this king? Go and enjoy this great world!"

No one answered, only a few who were not afraid of death rushed forward, and of course they were easily eliminated by the beloved brother, the crazy demon Xuan Yu.

Qi Mei laughed: "Have you seen that? It's easy for the king's two generals to get rid of you, as easy as crushing a group of worms. However, God has the virtue of good life, and this king doesn't want you to be wiped out. It's better to follow Together, my lord, leave this narrow Sanlong Island! Go to the outside world and show off your ambitions!"

Although Xuan Yu was not very satisfied with the title of general, he still didn't have a single rebuttal and let his younger brother fool around.

An Luo thought to himself, who would care about a six-year-old bragging?Who would take it seriously?
Sure enough, no one cared, a flood of monsters rushed over, perhaps irritated by the kid's bragging.

Xuan Yu asked An Luo to change back to a gem on his forehead: "You are responsible for absorbing the spiritual energy, and the rest is up to our brothers."

I saw that Xuanyu and Meimei each emitted a cloud of black mist shining with golden light. After the two clouds of mist combined, they burst out instantly and rushed towards the thousands of monsters.

An Luo didn't know how powerful this force was, but felt that the shock wave could almost shatter the entire main city, including the island owner's castle and the so-called Ascension Gate, which were all reduced to dust.

As for these monsters, most of them were killed or injured. On the contrary, these ghosts, although the attached entities are gone, they will not die, but just become A Piao again, just like air.

Xuan Yu and Qi Mei looked at each other and smiled, An Luo felt that they seemed to be brothers in a certain plane, and they also smiled pervertedly after working together. . .

Looking at the remaining monsters on the ground who dared not attack again, Xuan Yu gathered his strength again and wanted to attack.Yan Mei quietly asked him: "Brother, can you still magnify your moves?"

"Okay, what's wrong?"

"Uh, it seems that my practice is still a little bit worse. But I think I can try to persuade them again." Qi Mei wanted to try her mind attacking technique again.

"It's not necessary, is it? Just get rid of them all, why bother?" Xuan Yu dismissed this.

"I think it's more fun this way, so watch carefully!" said Xi Mei, flying high again, and said to these monsters, "You guys understand our strength now? Those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish , want to go to the colorful world to have fun, or be buried in a sultry, dirty island that never sees the light of day, you choose yourself!"

Finally, a monster let go: "How can we go with you?"

As soon as the words fell, a flash of light hit the monster, and a girl flew into the sky and said behind the team of monsters, "Whoever dares to betray the owner of this island will be killed without mercy!"

An Luo recognized that this was the girl who tried to confuse her and Xuan Yu that day.

Qi Mei sneered, and continued: "Have you seen that? When you are in danger, your island master will not show up, and when you hesitate a little, she will kill you. Following such a leader, you will only gain Painful! If you turn your back on the shore, you rush up together, tear her apart, and you will be free!"

The island owner became furious, screaming and rushing towards Mi Mei.

(End of this chapter)

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