Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 146 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me

Chapter 146 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me (23)
Almost at the same time, Xuan Yu had already flown in front of the island owner.

This young man doesn't understand what it means to be sympathetic to the sweet and tender, and the super-speed whirlwind combined with the flames swept towards the young girl island owner.

The island owner's practice is different from other monsters. After the attack of the flame whirlwind, she only suffered some skin trauma. Although she was unable to fly again, it seemed that her life was not in danger.

Taking advantage of this time, Qi Mei continued to say to these demons: "What are you waiting for? Now is the best chance, the chance to get you free, the chance to leave this horrible world, and the chance to come to the outside world. Go! ! Kill her, use your hands to create your own freedom!"

An Luo was a little creepy, what exactly did this child go through?He is only six years old!
What made her feel even more horrifying was that these monsters were completely bewitched by him, looked at each other, and flew towards the island owner with a roar.The island owner had been seriously injured and was completely unable to withstand the attacks of these monsters. Almost instantly, it was as if army ants had attacked an elephant, and everything returned to nothingness.

Before dying, the island owner shouted loudly: "Kill me, you will regret it! The dragon of hell is about to rise into the sky, and you can't control it."

Sure enough, after she dissipated, a strong earthquake erupted throughout Sanlong Island, as well as a volcanic eruption.

At the location of the shattered Ascension Gate, the ground split open, and three giant dragons rose into the sky one by one, roaring in the sky.

Of these three giant dragons, one is white, one is black, and the other is black. They hovered in the sky and spit out a column of water.

Probably because of the nourishment of a large amount of water, the haze over Sanlong Island gradually dissipated, and the volcanic eruption gradually stopped. The magma lakes seemed to be cooling down. From the current position, An Luo could already see the surrounding area. The river and the village on the other side.

The enchantment of the entire Sanlong Island has been broken.

Now, An Luo understands that this gate of ascension is not a place to escape from Sanlong Island at all, but a place to feed the three giant dragons. In fact, no one has seen the legendary people who left Sanlong Island. However, they have been eaten by three dragons.

An Luo was very happy to be able to leave here, but thinking that these three dragons and so many demons had also been released, An Luo was still a little bit worried.

"It's okay, I'll catch them." Xuan Yu seemed to have guessed what An Luo was thinking, and maybe he was also cheering himself up.

However, Yan Mei smiled and said to the monsters who were still alive: "Did you see? Now that you are all free, does anyone want to follow me?"

An Luo couldn't help but jumped out and said to Qi Mei: "They are all people who have betrayed their master, you must be careful of them, don't trust them too much."

"Don't worry, little sister, I have a sense of proportion." Qi Mei said gratefully to An Luo.

Xuan Yu asked Qi Mei: "How on earth did you become this king?"

"I'm the king of the ghost town now! Do you think I lived in a cave for three years after my father sealed me when I was three years old?" Gui Mei ghostly smiled, "I just left a trace of breath, hoping that my mother can find me, As for my body, I have already gone to the ghost town to call for the wind and rain, and now I am the strongest king in the ghost town. This time I came out to collect soldiers. Brother, you can either follow me, or we will have a battle in the future. "

"Don't do too much evil, or I will take you back with my own hands."

"Hehe, I'm waiting for you, brother!" Qi Mei bared her teeth, grinning, bid farewell to Xuan Yu, and said to An Luo, "Goodbye, little sister!"

(End of this chapter)

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