Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 147 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me

Chapter 147 Brother Phoenix, Don't Bite Me (24)

Nine turns to the riverside, and everything was calm. An Luo asked the system how much aura she had collected now, and the system told her that it had reached 90% of the aura she could absorb in this world.

She knew that she was about to leave here, how should she tell Xuan Yu?If he disappeared suddenly, with Xuan Yu's current feelings for him, he would very likely be blackened. If so, the world would be in chaos.

Xuan Yu looked at the rushing Jiuzhuan River, then looked back at the new Sanlong Island where everything began to grow gradually, and said to An Luo: "Let's go! Go back to Qihuang Mountain!"

But An Luo grabbed his hand: "Xuan Yu, I want to tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Xuan Yu blinked, feeling that the seriousness of the little girl in front of him made him very uneasy, as if she was going to say something bad in this state.

"I'm about to enter a long period of dormancy." An Luo said, this was the best way she could think of to appease Xuan Yu, but she didn't know if it would work or not.

"What is a dormant period?"

"That is to say, I will continue to absorb spiritual energy, but for a long time, I will no longer be transformed into a human form. Generally speaking, it is like an ordinary stone."

"How long?" Xuan Yu asked her tentatively.

"It may be a thousand years, or it may be ten thousand years."

Xuan Yu looked at An Luo, completely in disbelief: "Are you lying to me? Why?"

"Xuanyu, I didn't lie to you. If I don't sleep, I can't continue to grow and practice, so..." She looked at Xuanyu and said with tears in her eyes, "I'm sorry, from now on I will be an ordinary The stone of the seal, if you feel that it is cumbersome to carry me, you can just put me anywhere, and I will continue to grow."

"What are you talking about? Even if you can't take human form, I will always be with you forever."

"Thank you, Xuan Yu, then I will start to sleep, you have to take care of yourself. Although I can no longer change into a human form, I will always protect you."

After An Luo finished speaking, he changed into a sealed stone and never appeared again.But in fact, she hasn't left this stone yet. She really left this plane a month later on the day of the Qihuang Mountain incident, when she absorbed the subsequent 10% of the aura.

Xuan Yu was sad for a long time, and finally cheered up again, and flew back to Qihuang Mountain.

Since then, the Qihuang Mountain has turned from an undercurrent to a bloody storm. Xuanyu stood out in several battles and became the master of the Qihuang Mountain. Since then, he has embarked on a long journey to become the emperor.

And An Luo, as the Sealing Stone, has always been his most powerful assistant. Although it does not have a human form, it is absolutely invincible in battle.

Later, Qi Mei, Nine-Tails, Snake King, and Tree Demon became the four great demon kings that harmed all worlds. Xuanyu had no choice but to change this sealing stone into a sealing magic weapon, which was specially used to seal these four demon kings.

And An Luo's soul was also gradually formed in the process of absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, but she could only transform into a human form in the sealed place, and she still couldn't really change into a human being.

As for what happened before, of course she didn't know about it when she was a newborn. For her, these are all things to come.

Back in the void, An Luo was told that the absorbed aura increased her level by 21 levels, and the self-destruction was postponed for another 210 years.

 This plane originally wanted to write a sweet story about Xuan Yu and An Luo's first acquaintance, but I am really not good at romance, so I actually wrote it as a dark, terrifying and thrilling journey of cultivating immortals. I feel a bit dark and ghostly.I hope I can write a little sweeter in the next plane!

(End of this chapter)

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