Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 148: Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City

Chapter 148: Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City (01)
"Plant one boyfriend, and you can reap twenty boyfriends in autumn!" the kind-hearted aunt reminded An Luo.

"Here, I'm single."

"Erwang at the head of the village is nice and handsome, why don't you plant him, your family will be prosperous in a few months, and then you can just return one."

"Thank you aunt, I really have no shortage of people in my family."

"Hey, such a good piece of land, what a pity."

. . . . . .

An Luo woke up from the nightmare, covered in cold sweat.

In this plane, all the unimaginable evil spirits are wandering around.For example, Fu Jiang, who reproduces infinitely like cell division; and Kayako, who is too resentful and attacks life for no reason, and no one can influence it.

An Luo didn't know whether the beautiful girl he met on the street was an ordinary human being or a terrifying wraith.

Yesterday, she encountered hordes of Fu Jiang passing through the street at the door, causing her to have a nightmare for half the night.

Every inch of land here has an aura that can nourish evil spirits, and this is probably why this place is full of evil spirits, right?An Luo's task is still to collect aura. When the aura reaches a certain value, she can leave this plane.

[System prompt: Stay alive in Evil Spirit City! 】

Original owner's name: Linghua

Identity: A small flower growing in a corner of Evil Spirit City.

Cause of death: None, just as a living body to provide the basis for An Luo's soul to change into a human being.

That day, when An Luo woke up, an evil spirit in the form of a woman was hanging upside down from a tree, with long black hair squirming and spreading all over the ground.

One of them was still wrapped around her body, so An Luo moved a little, and the evil spirit felt it.

This hair may be similar to the role of a spider's web, right?

The evil spirit wriggled over, trying to kill An Luo.Most of them use electromagnetic field attacks to disturb the minds of humans or animals, and eat the souls of the opponents when the souls are out of consciousness in fright.

An Luo was also very scared, mainly because she felt disgusted, and her skin was covered with goosebumps. She struggled to break free, and all the long hair that tied her was broken and burned.

The evil spirit roared and rushed towards An Luo, but was hit by her palm.It's a pity that this evil spirit's body is transformed by resentment, not a real entity, even force can't solve the problem at all.

Fortunately, An Luo's sealing technique was still effective, and she sealed the evil spirit on this tree.

Although it is not a long-term solution, it can finally give me a little respite.

An Luo went to the creek next to her and looked at herself. This form was transformed by the system for her. She looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a beautiful appearance, really like a flower.

The system didn't give her any weapons or skills, and everything was up to her.

However, she still took advantage of her safety and went back to the sealed place to ask the masters for help.

"Evil Spirit City!" Yan Mei said with a smile, "I don't know when you appeared, but I was the lord of Evil Spirit City before!"

"I've never been to that plane." Nine Tails said, "It sounds a bit scary, and it doesn't suit me. I still like wind, flowers, snow and moon."

"I'm the best necromancer in that plane." The dryad said proudly, "Maybe this plane reduced my sentence a lot!"

The snake king has never been to this plane.

Exorcist is the most respectable profession in this evil spirit city, rich people will hire exorcist by their side.Therefore, the competition in this industry is also very fierce.

An Luo felt that he should also try this profession.

(End of this chapter)

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