Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 149: Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City

Chapter 149: Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City (02)
An Luo walked cautiously towards the city gate, the eerie atmosphere made her feel creepy.

There seems to be movement in the grass by the roadside, do you want to go and see?

Possibly a corpse?
Fainted pedestrian?

Devil's trap?
An Luo is a curious baby, and he is very confident in his own strength, so he decided to take a look.

She had just approached the bushes when suddenly a figure flew by, and a sharp sword blocked her face.

"The first rule of the Evil Spirit City Survival Guide: Don't be curious!" A deep man's voice said.

An Luo glanced at the man next to him. He had a face like a crown of jade. He was about 30 years old, with sleepy eyes and a lazy look, but his skills were extremely sharp.

"My name is Fenghua, please give me your advice." The man stretched out his hand, wanting to shake hands with An Luo.

Forehead?This name is Master Tree Demon?It seems that it hasn't been long since he traveled here, and his living habits are still a bit incompatible with this plane, so it is not appropriate to shake hands first.

But An Luo still shook hands with him: "My name is An Luo, please give me your advice. Dear Master Tree Demon."

After a little explanation, the tree demon understood the situation, and pondered for a while: "In that case, follow me, let's go to the city first."

The plug-in came so easily, there is no way, An Luo is indeed a little stone favored by the Lord God!
So, it's okay to die, right?Let's go and see what's moving in the grass!

Seeing that An Luo insisted on going over to take a look, Fenghua had no choice but to hand her a talisman paper: "Use this."

An Luo took it, stuck it on a branch, and went to poke the grass.

"Miwu..." A kitten with snow-white royal blue eyes jumped out, Fenghua threw a piece of talisman paper and pasted it on the cat's body, nothing changed, "It's just an ordinary kitten! It's so boring! "

He put away the sword and talisman paper, took out a cigarette pouch, added some tobacco leaves, and puffed.

An Luo looked at the kitten. It looked like an adult cat. It wasn't aggressive. It tentatively walked to her side and rubbed against her feet.

She picked it up and asked, "You are so cute, can you talk? Are you a purebred Persian cat?"

The cat acted like a baby in her arms, and only answered with a purring sound.

"Persia, you are tall." Fenghua added a little tobacco leaves to his pipe pot, "This barren mountain, a wild cat, is white and spotless, there must be something strange, probably because of the change of evil spirits?"

"Master Fenghua, wasn't the talisman invalid just now?" An Luo asked incomprehensibly. "Could it be a ghost?"

"There are also evil spirits with super powerful mana, who can hide their aura and can't even detect it with talisman paper." Fenghua said indifferently.

An Luo felt strange: "In that case, why aren't you worried at all?"

"What is there to worry about? Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover. The second rule of the Evil Spirit City Survival Guide, don't worry about everything in the future." Fenghua explained.

An Luo didn't know how he came up with these rules, maybe he was really bored.The Dryad was still in the sealed place and said to her just now: "That position is meaningless, I'm just looking for defeat!"

The cat has made up his mind to follow An Luo, so An Luo doesn't care what it is, hugs it in his arms, and follows Feng Hua to the city gate.

"Everyone has to be checked, line up quickly," said the guard at the city gate.One of the chiefs swept a small device over everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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