Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 150 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City

Chapter 150 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City (03)
The guard at the gate checked everyone and made sure that no wraith was brought before letting people enter the city.

"From this point of view, this cat is really fine." An Luo said to the tree demon Fenghua.

Fenghua glanced at the cat, and the cat bared its teeth at it.

"It's hard to say, even if it's okay, I'm afraid it's not a good thing!" Fenghua gave the cat a white look.

An Luo didn't care too much about Fenghua's ambiguous words, anyway, she had already made up her mind to take it with her, and this cat seemed to have decided to hang out with her.

This small town looks similar to ordinary ancient small towns. The residents in the city are still working and living normally, and they don't seem to be troubled by evil spirits.

"So there are no evil spirits in the city, right?"

Fenghua smiled strangely: "No? I'm afraid there are too many to count, but unfortunately, many of them can't be detected, and there are still hidden ones. The guards here don't want too many evil spirits to enter. It's better than nothing." !"

An Luo nodded, thinking that the hearts of these residents are big enough.

She didn't know which direction to go, Fenghua said to her: "Are you hungry too? I'll take you to eat!"

"not going home?"

"Teacher and family everywhere." Fenghua said, took An Luo to a restaurant, ordered some small dishes in the private room on the second floor, ordered a jug of wine, and drank.

An Luo is hygienic with aura, and his real body is a small flower, so he doesn't need to eat, just eat two bites for fun.

She picked up some fish and wanted to feed it to the cat, but the cat didn't care about it at all, and got under the table to lick its paws.

After Fenghua was full of wine and food, he said to An Luo, "Wait for me here, and go to pay the bill for the teacher."

An Luo looked at the scenery of the small town and the ancient town outside the window, and waited for a long time, but Fenghua did not come back. When she realized that something was wrong, the polite waiter appeared.

"You are Miss An Luo, right? Master Fenghua said that he is a little tired and has already rested in the guest room. Let me come over to invite you." The waiter said to An Luo with a smile on his face.

An Luo felt a little strange, but didn't think much about it, so he followed the waiter to the backyard of the restaurant.Xiao Er opened a guest room, invited An Luo in, and locked the door.

In the room were two strong men with tattoos and a beautiful woman.

The woman sized An Luo up and nodded, "She is indeed a pretty girl. My 20 taels of silver are well spent."

"What 20 taels of silver?" An Luo looked at the woman suspiciously.

"Little girl, don't be afraid. Your father sold you to me, but it's helpless. In my place, eating and drinking, silk brocade, isn't it much better than being threatened by evil spirits outside?" The woman smiled. Say.

An Luo realizes that she has been betrayed, is Fenghua the one who betrayed her?
She expressed her disbelief: "It's impossible. My father is a well-known exorcist and makes a lot of money. How could he sell me?" So, whatever he says, just go down.

"I don't believe it! This is your contract of sale, and it is signed by Lord Fenghua!" The woman raised a piece of paper in her hand.

An Luo said: "I don't believe it, you lied to me! My father won't betray me, show me!"

"Haha! Just look at it, if you dare to act rashly, my two subordinates will definitely kill you." The woman said, and gave An Luo the contract of sale.

An Luo took a closer look, and sure enough, it was Fenghua who signed and sold her to Chunxiang Building.

She sighed and tore up the deed of sale.

(End of this chapter)

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