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Chapter 151 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City

Chapter 151 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City (04)
The woman was furious immediately, and ordered the two strong men to catch An Luo.

But An Luo didn't care about these, he kicked the two of them down one by one.

The woman was trembling with fright and wanted to shout for help when the door of the room was pushed open.

The person who came in was none other than Fenghua.

"Evil Spirit City Survival Rule Three: Don't trust anyone, including your close relatives." Fenghua said with a smile.

An Luo was speechless, it seemed that he was really bored.

Even the little white cat on the ground bared its teeth at Fenghua.

The woman asked suspiciously: "Master Fenghua, what are you going to do? You took the initiative to sell her to me?"

Fenghua took out 50 taels of silver and put it in front of the woman: "Aunt Chun, I'm really sorry today, I just want to test my apprentice. This is the 20 taels you gave me, and the remaining 30 taels will be theirs." Medical bills."

When the woman saw Yinzi, she immediately smiled and said, "Oh, why didn't Master Fenghua say it earlier? It really scared me, you apprentice, I really have nothing to say, you are so beautiful at such a young age, you can't think of such good skills, It’s really a hero out of a boy, alas, no, it’s a girl.”

"Aunt Chun is really good at talking. Anyway, we are the ones who disturbed you today. By the way, I never gamble, and even if I gamble, I never lose." Fenghua said with a smile.

Aunt Chun blamed herself: "Isn't it? Master Fenghua, I was confused."

It seems that just now Fenghua claimed that he lost a bet, so he wanted to sell his daughter.

An Luo didn't find it strange that he would do such a thing.After all, the dryad's behavior is always very strange. Maybe it's because the IQ is too high, and the thinking is jumpy. If you don't do something strange for a while, you will feel uncomfortable.

After leaving the restaurant, Fenghua took An Luo to a small courtyard.The gate of the courtyard reads "The World's No. [-] Spirit Eliminator".

"This is the plaque given to me by the city lord."

"Couldn't the owner of the city be Master Qi Mei?" An Luo asked helplessly.

"You guessed it right, it's him, but the one who gave me the plaque was the former city lord."

"You and your cat live in the east wing, right? You don't mind, right? You can see the morning sun here." Fenghua said.

An Luo nodded, as long as she has a place to live, she doesn't have to have a good life, at least she thinks so.

Fenghua was very satisfied, so he asked a servant to take An Luo to the east wing.

"This isn't a room with glass windows, how can you see the morning sun!" An Luo said speechlessly after entering the room.

But it doesn't matter, she can finally rest her feet.In this plane, she is still a newborn human being.There is always a process of adaptation from a small flower to a human being.

She lay in bed trying to rest while the cat curled up under the bed frame.

"Don't you really need something to eat?" Andrew lowered his head and asked the cat.

The cat shook its head and continued to lick its paws.

An Luo felt that he was ridiculous, no matter how boring he was, he couldn't chat with a cat!So I turned around and went to sleep.

After An Luo fell asleep, the cat turned into a handsome boy with snow-white skin, black hair and dark green eyes.

The young man looked at the messy room, sighed before starting to tidy it up.

An Luo woke up after a short sleep, and found that the whole room was brand new and wiped clean.

(End of this chapter)

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