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Chapter 152 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City

Chapter 152 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City (05)
Fenghua knocked on the door and came in, and was surprised to see such a clean room: "When did my servants love cleaning so much?"

"It looks like this cat cleaned it." An Luo said, "I heard that cats like to be clean. So, this cat is very unusual!"

Fenghua glanced at the cat, frowned, and said to An Luo: "It's getting late now, I have a mission, will you go?"

"Can I really?" An Luo asked, "Can you give me a weapon?"

"Evil Spirit City Survival Guide 30: Earn what you want by yourself. It's like you live with me now, and it can't be free. Speaking of which, you still owe me [-] taels of silver, and now you want a weapon? Or You help me get rid of the spirit, or you..." After Fenghua finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to stroke An Luo's long hair, before touching her hair, the cat rushed over and landed on Fenghua's face Going up, Fenghua was so frightened that he took two steps back, and it was not easy to break free.

Fenghua drew out his long sword and pointed at the cat.An Luo hurried over to block it, and looked at Fenghua's face: "Don't worry, Master, you're not hurt at all."

"Really?" Fenghua touched his face, "Don't look at me as a spiritual master, I don't rely on my face to make a living. But if it hurts even the slightest bit, I will never let it go."

An Luo picked up the cat and said, "Little cat, you want to protect me, right? Although Master Fenghua won't hurt me, I'm still very grateful!"

The cat purrs towards Fenghua.

Fenghua smiled instead: "It may be really unusual, and it likes you very much! It seems that it regards me as a rival in love! Forget it, you should help me get rid of the spirit."

An Luo asked him, "How much wages can I get?"

"One tael of silver per evil spirit."

"Then how much money can Master get for killing an evil spirit?"

"Evil Spirit City Survival Rules Five: Don't inquire about other people's salaries."

"Is it too much for me to know?"

"Believe it or not, I sold you out?"

The two stalemate for a while, An Luo decided to admit defeat to the master: "Okay, one tael is one tael, I listen to you!"

The entire Evil Spirit City has a six o'clock curfew. Except for the psychic masters, no ordinary people are outside at this time, because the evil spirits may appear at any time.A considerable part of them are still afraid of the sun, so they are mostly at night.

Of course, those that can appear during the day are very good evil spirits that can hide in the crowd.

Fenghua took An Luo on the street, the cold wind was blowing, An Luo couldn't help wrapping up his clothes: "It's summer, why is it so cold?"

"There are evil spirits nearby, so this is the feeling, you just get used to it." Feng Hua said coldly.

Against the backdrop of the moonlight, a group of figures appeared. Dozens of girls with the same appearance walked forward silently.

"They should be evil spirits, right?" An Luo asked, "If we get rid of them all, we should be able to earn dozens of taels of silver, right?"

"Don't mess with her, she is not our prey today. And she will reproduce infinitely. Even if you get rid of the ones in front of you, she still has a lot of them, and it is impossible to clean them up. The most terrible thing is that if she has one When the cells enter your body, they will occupy your entire body, and finally you will become her." Fenghua explained.

An Luo knew that this was probably Fu Jiang. Thinking of the horror stories Kyuubi told before, and looking at the girls in front of him, An Luo felt that his teeth were chattering. There is no solution to this question, let's move on to the next one.

(End of this chapter)

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