Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 153 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City

Chapter 153 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City (06)
After the group of weird evil spirits left, An Luo didn't feel so cold anymore.

But the white cat in his arms jumped to the ground with a whoosh, arched his back, and stared at an alley.

Fenghua looked at it thoughtfully: "This cat is very courageous, there is indeed our prey tonight in the alley, why don't you go explore the way?"

The cat ignored him and didn't move.

"An Luo, go and have a look!" Feng Hua ordered.

Since the master gave the order, let's go. Although An Luo doesn't like the tone of the tree demon, obviously, he hates him now more than he in the sealed place.

Indifference, selfishness, and malice towards humans.

He got rid of the spirit entirely for the sake of the mission, if possible, he wanted to raise the spirit even more.

Adhering to the principle of no evaluation, An Luo calmly walked towards the alley without any disturbance in his heart.The cat clings to her feet, following her steps, and seems more nervous.

Just two steps away, Fenghua stopped her: "Look at you, you forgot to bring the magic talisman?"

An Luo was speechless: "Tell me, how much is it?"

Fenghua sighed: "Hey, you underestimate Master too much, am I such a stingy person? But if you insist on paying, then one tael and ten pieces of silver."

"Come ten, I'll catch this evil spirit as a reward." An Luo said.

"Where did you get your confidence?"

"Given by the Lord God."

Fenghua was speechless, and handed An Luo ten talismans.

An Luo put away the talisman, took out only one, flew to the nearby restaurant and pulled a flag, pulled out the flagpole, pasted the talisman, and used it to find the way.

The alley was dark and windy, and An Luo felt as if something was floating around him. Suddenly, the talisman shone, and through the gleam of the talisman, An Luo saw a cloud of black air, but he didn't know it. As for what it was, he rushed towards her.

An Luo flew to dodge, turned around and used the sealing spell, sucked away the aura of the evil spirit, and sealed the evil spirit in the flagpole in her hand.

The originally nervous white cat also relaxed.

She came out with the flagpole and handed it to Fenghua: "It's sealed in the flagpole."

Fenghua taught An Luo to recite a spell, and An Luo also tried it. Sure enough, the evil spirit disappeared, and a black spar fell to the ground.

"This is what I want. The city lord will recycle this spar." Fenghua explained, "The black spar is of average value and can only be sold for ten taels of silver."

"Um, then you only give me one or two? Do you want me to buy the talisman myself?"

"I'll take care of your food and lodging!" Fenghua wanted to stroke An Luo's hair again, and the white cat pounced on him again.

One person and one cat started fighting, but An Luo didn't care. He put the flag back in the distance, and waited for the two of them to get tired from fighting before going to accept an evil spirit.Received three this night.

It seems that being a healer can make a lot of money, but An Luo's focus is on absorbing aura, so he doesn't care much about making money.An independent portal will naturally help to make money, but after all, he is inexperienced, so he can learn more spirit removal skills from Fenghua.

Although Fenghua is mean, he is still a good teacher. He says he doesn't want to teach, but he really likes to show off. You can ask him a question, and he can expand a lot.

Therefore, An Luo's progress is also very fast.

"How about you officially become a spiritual master." One day half a month later, Fenghua said to An Luo, "I can recommend you, but you still have to take the exam."

 I just have time in the morning, so I will update a chapter

(End of this chapter)

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