Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 157 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City

Chapter 157 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City (10)
He plays tricks, has a hot temper, and is indifferent, but he is still a good teacher who teaches people tirelessly. He is the tree demon Fenghua.

Fenghua explained the situation of Chu Lingsi to An Luo in detail, and told An Luo: "Speak less and do more. You have a simple mind and don't be fooled by others, especially those reckless teenagers. You understand."

"Don't worry, my lord father, I will concentrate on exorcising spirits, so I won't pay attention to those teenagers!" An Luo replied, it seems that Feng Hua is eager to love his daughter, and he is afraid that An Luo will not be able to protect himself.

Fenghua said to the white cat again: "With you by An Luo's side, I feel more at ease."

The cat gave him a blank look and continued to sleep.

Early the next morning, An Luo took up his post at the Spirit Elimination Division. This batch of junior interns consisted of ten people, four women and six men, forming a small team, led by two intermediate spirit exorcists as captains to carry out the spirit exorcism operation.

"Whether you can survive under the hands of the evil spirit depends on your ability. We will not be responsible for protecting you." Mr. Donglu, the captain, said.

Most of these people who want to become junior spiritual masters are around 20 years old, and some are fifteen or sixteen years old. After all, becoming a formal spiritual master can get a relatively high salary, which is enough to support a family.Of course, the risks are also great.

"Are you Master Fenghua's daughter?" A girl who was about the same age as An Luo approached her and asked her.

"Yes." An Luo may have thought that he was a boy for a long time before, and he always had no resistance to beautiful women. When he saw such a pure and lovely girl, he immediately fell in love with him. "My name is An Luo. , please give me more advice."

"Hello! My name is Qiu Wan. I am 16 years old. How about you?"

"Me, me too, 16 years old." An Luo felt that he was about this age.

"That's such a coincidence." The girl smiled innocently.

"You two, what are you talking about? Hurry up and keep up with the team!" the captain roared angrily.

The two returned to the team in embarrassment and dared not speak again.

The cat was carried in the bag by An Luo. As for the weapon, she also got one called the Cold Light Spirit Sword, which is Fenghua's treasure.Now that he has decided to adopt An Luo as his daughter, Fenghua will not care about money, and even give away all the treasures.

When he got the cold light sword, An Luo couldn't help shouting: "Thank you, Dad!"

Yes, the heroine is such a person, there is nothing she can't say, after all, she is a teacher for a day and a father for life!
The city is managed by senior spiritual masters, and they came outside the city while it was still early.Everyone walked for a while, and when they were resting, An Luo was watching the distance from behind a tree, and just in time heard two other female exorcists asking Qiu Wan: "Little sister, can't wait to curry favor with Fenghua's daughter?"

"I haven't." Qiu Wan retorted.

"You still said no, look at your flattering face!"

"Let me tell you, if you dare to be friends with her, see how our sisters deal with you!"

"Senior Sister, we have already gone down the mountain, you have no right to control me." Qiu Wan retorted.


Although An Luo couldn't see it, it sounded like someone had been slapped.

"Dare to talk back to senior sister, it's not as simple as a slap!" The two left after speaking, leaving Qiu Wan alone.

An Luo flashed out from behind the tree and saw Qiu Wan covering her face with tears. Seeing An Luo, she was very surprised and hurriedly wiped away her tears and left in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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