Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 158 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City

Chapter 158 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City (11)
Ghost City Survival Guide VII: If it's not about you, keep it high; if it's about you, deal with it in a low-key manner.

I still can't tell the difference between the enemy and the enemy, let's not worry about it, just be careful with these girls.

An Luo packed his backpack and followed the team to continue patrolling around the city.

The terrain outside the city is complex, full of farmland, and further out, surrounded by mountains.

Evil spirits may hide in any place, ready to come out to eat people at any time.

For a spirit remover, every time one evil spirit is eliminated, at least one more person can be protected.Although no one knows how many such evil spirits are around here, and where they come from.

Some old people said that they suddenly appeared overnight, as if some kind of seal was lifted, they suddenly drilled out from somewhere underground; into these evil spirits.

No matter what the legend is, the solutions seem to be few and far between, and only those with innate or acquired abilities can overcome them.An Luo thinks he has innate abilities.

After walking a short distance, I suddenly heard a boy yelling, "Be careful!"

A white figure flashed out quickly and rushed towards a young man in the patrol team.

The young man was dragged away by the evil spirit before he had time to react.The captain scolded: "Why did he come to be a spiritual master?"

Several young people next to him were trembling, and one of them said: "Our usual training is not like this, that evil spirit came too suddenly."

"Damn it, hurry up!" The captain followed closely behind without saying a word, and all the team members also followed him to the direction where the evil spirit was escaping.

After chasing for about [-] meters, in a slightly open place, I saw the young man's body, which was already unbearable.

But now it was not too late to be sad or afraid, there were rustling sounds from the grass, and everyone followed the sound, only to see another white figure jumping out.

This time, the captain's reaction was very quick, and he subdued the evil spirit by himself.

At this time, another evil spirit appeared, and it appeared not far from An Luo, so An Luo put his hand on the cold light sword, just waiting for the evil spirit to come over, and killed it with one sentence.

Unexpectedly, the girl next to her tried her best to push An Luo down, just pushing her in the direction of the evil spirit.

An Luo couldn't say it well, his body couldn't grasp the balance at all.

At this moment, someone grabbed her hand and pulled her back forcefully.

The two struggled, couldn't stand stably, and fell into the grass next to them.

The person who pulled her was Qiu Wan.

An Luo glanced at Qiu Wan gratefully. Qiu Wan nodded and smiled. The two quickly stood up and each drew their weapons.

At this time, the number of evil spirits had already increased, and after a fierce battle, no one else was sacrificed.

Back at Chulingsi's camp, the captain went to report the situation, and everyone was free to move about.

The girl who pushed An Luo was named Chu Shuang, and the other girl who was inseparable from her was named Cui Xue. When the two arrived at the camp, they began to taunt An Luo and Qiu Wan.

"Qiu Wan is a hero saving the beauty!" Cui Xue said.

"I don't know how our lord Fenghua's daughter plans to repay us Qiu Wan?" Chu Shuang asked with a smile.

Qiu Wan didn't say a word, she packed her things and prepared to go home.

An Luo asked Chu Shuang: "Why did you push me?"

"Who pushed you? Are you unable to stand upright?" Chu Shuangbai glanced at her, and went to chat with the boys with a smile on her face with Cui Xue.

Two boys came over and said to An Luo: "You don't know yet, do you? Their master and Mr. Fenghua are at odds. You, it's miserable."

"Who is their master?"

"You don't even know this? It's Mr. Cui, the director of the Department of Spirit Removal!"

Uh, so that's the case, Fenghua also warned An Luo yesterday that Lord Cui is now in charge of the Division of Spirit Elimination, and half of the new recruits are from his sect.Now Fenghua is Master Cui's most important competitor. Naturally, his disciples will not be friendly to An Luo.

Is it really okay to be so blatant?From this point of view, Master Cui is also a man of temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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