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Chapter 161 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City

Chapter 161 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City (14)
Fenghua still thinks less, the unmarried daughter lived in the castle of the city lord for one night, will she be able to marry in the future?

This was something he didn't realize until the next morning.

Although he has an IQ of 260, he is still far behind in terms of worldly sophistication.All of his ingenuity went into crafting and scientific research.

Even in this plane, he did not give up scientific research.All those talismans were developed by him himself, so even if he is not the master of the division of spirits, he still enjoys very good treatment and is highly valued by the city lord.

It is said that An Luo stayed in the castle of the city lord, taking care of Qiu Wan.A doctor who has not seen her injury said that it is not serious.

The city lord also came to visit Qiu Wan, and said to An Luo, "Why don't you go and rest, and I'll take care of her."

"Um, isn't this suitable?" An Luo was speechless, "Do you think I can leave a comatose girl to you?"

"What do you mean? I'm the lord of the city." The lord of the city raised his brows upright, "What's more, the lord of the city is a gentleman, and he can't take advantage of others' danger. Is it because you like me, so you are jealous of her who can be taken care of by me?"

"Me?" An Luo said, "I know what kind of person you are best, that's all, I'll rest by the side, if you dare to plot evil, I won't let you go!"

The city lord looked at her suspiciously, smiled, and lifted her chin with his hand: "Woman, you have successfully caught my attention, tonight..."

Before the words were finished, the cat jumped out and pounced on the city lord's face.

But the city lord had been prepared for a long time, and dodged backwards, dodging the cat's attack.

The city lord said with a smile: "I knew it was you, dear brother! Also, this girl named An Luo is the seal stone An Luo, right?"

The cat fell to the ground and turned into a young man, somewhat resembling the castellan.

"I don't know you, but if you want to touch An Luo, absolutely not." The cat boy's voice was extremely pleasant, and An Luo felt his heart tremble when he heard it.Thinking of spending time with him day and night and sleeping on the same bed these days, An Luo felt hot on his face.

"I'm Qi Mei! Brother Xuanyu." The city lord said seriously.

An Luo knew that he was Yao Mei, but felt that he hadn't found a suitable opportunity to explain it to him. In this way, what happened in the last plane affected Yao Mei's memory, and he still remembered the past! ! !
An Luo's memory from the previous plane was not erased, so she didn't find it strange that Mi Mei hadn't forgotten it.

It's just Xuan Yu, obviously, this is Xuan Yu after amnesia, he doesn't remember anything before.

An Luo gave a simple explanation for everything, Xuan Yu felt puzzled, and Mi Mei also half understood, but said to An Luo: "So after talking for a long time, you are my brother's wife and my apprentice. right?"

"I'm not your brother's wife!"

"Then you are my apprentice, right?" the city lord continued to ask.

"Yes, Master Qi Mei!"

"Since I am your master, then you should listen to me, get out obediently, and don't disturb the little beauty that the city lord takes care of me."

It seemed that Qiu Wan was undoubtedly his sweetheart.

But An Luo still insisted, claiming to use the Wrath of Thunder, the city lord thought for a while: "Forget it, don't disturb my little beauty's rest, brother, let's go out and have a chat."

So the two brothers obediently went out to talk about the past, while An Luo stayed to take care of Qiu Wan.

The question is Qiu Wan, who is it?Why is Qi Mei so obsessed with her?

(End of this chapter)

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