Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 162 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City

Chapter 162 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City (15)
An Luo woke up and found that she was lying in the arms of a man in white. She was so frightened that she suddenly pushed the man away and jumped out of bed in a panic.

She cursed in her heart: I am famous in this life, it is over, or I should blew myself up!

"Woke up so early?" Hearing the voice, An Luo turned around. Fortunately, it was the person that the little white cat turned into, that is, Xuan Yu.

Wait, there still seems to be something wrong.

"I'm in Qiu Wan's room! How did you come here? Also, you, you were just a little white cat. Now, isn't it too much? Also, did you do anything last night?" what?"

"What do you want me to do? Or don't you want it?" The man smiled and hooked his lips, and An Luo instantly felt the tall, majestic and abstinent image of Xuanyu Emperor collapse in his heart.

Yes, she doesn't remember what happened in the previous plane, so her impression of Emperor Zun always stays before crossing, and because of this, she often collapses.

Fortunately, the neat hair buns of the two people proved that nothing happened.

As for what Xuan Yu was thinking, An Luo didn't know.

Before she had time to say this, she was very worried about Qiu Wan, mainly because she was worried that she would be frightened by the charm, so she hurried to the room where Qiu Wan was resting.

Sure enough, Qiu Wan's scream was heard at the door.

She ran in and saw Qiu Wan huddled in the corner of the bed wrapped in a quilt, shouting, "Help! Help!"

The city lord, Qi Mei, stood beside the bed, with an innocent and helpless face, at a loss, not knowing what to do.

Seeing An Luo coming, he seemed to meet a savior: "An Luo, help me persuade her, she was so scared when she woke up."

"What did you do to her?"

"The conscience of heaven and earth! I didn't even touch her last night except for pinching the quilt for her. I just sat there reading a book." Xie Mei explained.

Whether he has a conscience is another matter, but the books and teacups on the table, as well as Mei Mei's neat clothes, can be regarded as a proof.

An Luo crawled to Qiu Wan's side and comforted her for a long time, saying that the city lord just took the initiative to ask Ying to come and take care of her, nothing happened, and then scolded Qiu Mei: "I said let me take care of her! Look at Qiu Wan. It's scary!"

"Why don't you say that you slept like a pig and didn't even know you were carried away?"

"I was too tired yesterday! Also, who took me away?" An Luo was very angry when he heard Mei Mei say that about himself.

"Of course it's him. Besides him, who dares to touch you, isn't it a dead end?" Qi Mei pointed to Xuan Yu.

Xuan Yu came over and patted Yao Mei's shoulder lightly: "What did you say she slept like just now?"

Yan Mei blinked her big beautiful eyes, and smiled obsequiously: "I mean An Luo is like Dongzhu, quiet, pure, and exuding dazzling light, yes, just like Dongzhu. Uh, what do you think? "

Xuan Yu pinched Mi Mei's face affectionately: "Little brat, you are wise!" Then he said to An Luo: "I was wrong yesterday, I was afraid that you would not sleep well, so I used a little magic to make you sleep soundly." It's heavier so you don't know what's going on."

This pair of brothers is simply horrible.

An Luo asked them all to go out and asked the maids to come in for help. She personally helped Qiu Wan change some medicine for the wound and change a set of clothes.

Qiu Wan shook her hand and said, "An Luo, I don't know how to thank you."

"Don't say that, you were beaten by them because you saved me."

"No, I'm an orphan, and they've always treated me like this. I think, if I become an official exorcist, I should be able to escape from their clutches."

An Luo nodded, and said in his heart: Your good luck has come, there are evil spirits by your side, and those who bullied you are miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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