Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 168 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City

Chapter 168 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City (21)
This dungeon looks very similar to the Evil Spirit City on the ground, but it seems that it has been greatly traumatized by the war.

"These evil spirits were originally sealed in this dungeon, but the seal was broken a few years ago, and they went above the ground. In the beginning, only one or two evil spirits could appear from that door every day, but recently, this door The door is getting bigger and bigger, and they can appear on the ground in groups." Xuan Yu explained, "Look!"

Following the direction Xuan Yu pointed at, An Luo saw thousands of evil spirits lining up in the direction of the exit, scrambling to get out of this underground world.

Although she said she was not afraid of anything, but seeing such a scene, she seemed to feel a little hairy again.

"Then who are you?" An Luo asked Xuan Yu curiously.

"I am one of the seals of this world. Besides me, there are several seals, but we were all destroyed at the same time, and we are currently being repaired."

Although he didn't quite understand what Xuan Yu meant, An Luo knew that there seemed to be a way to solve the current problem.

"What can I do?"

"Get rid of the evil spirits on the ground as much as possible."

"Can I just get rid of these evil spirits here?" An Luo asked.

"These evil spirits are recorded by hundreds of millions. Even if it is you, I am afraid that we have more energy than we can do. Our seal will soon be completed, and by then, the remaining evil spirits on the ground will be entrusted to you," Xuan Yu explained. .

At this time, a few people came over. Among them were men and women. They were a little surprised to see An Luo. One of the women sniffed: "I really want to smell a kind of flower fragrance. Is this a flower demon?"

"What flower demon? I heard that Xiaobai was recently adopted by a human girl, so it's her?" Another woman said.

An Luo looked at Xuan Yu, sure enough there was a cat outside, right?
Xuan Yu smiled awkwardly, and said to everyone: "Let's continue working! It's getting late, and the exit seems to be getting bigger and bigger."

Their job is to repair the sealing project of this world, and it seems that it is really time-consuming. Most importantly, it requires a lot of mana.This is also the reason why Xuan Yu is extremely tired every morning when he returns home.

An Luo helped out for a while, and stopped here to try to collect the aura of the evil spirit.

Good guy, there are simply too many evil spirits in this dungeon. If I knew there was such a place, I wouldn't need to look for evil spirits everywhere on the ground.

It's just that the evil spirits in this world don't seem to drop things like spirit stones. As long as the spirit energy is sucked away, and then the cold light spirit sword is swung with a spell, they will disappear.

However, An Luo didn't dare to be too presumptuous, and just tried to deal with one or two evil spirits who were alone.According to Xuan Yu's meaning, if too many evil spirits are attracted, I'm afraid they will destroy this unfinished sealing project.

After following Xuan Yu to work here for an unknown amount of time, a man suddenly shouted: "It's ok, we succeeded."

Everyone followed the prestige, and the sealing project emitted a ray of light, which shot straight into the sky.

"It really succeeded." Xuan Yu was also a little surprised, "I thought it would take at least a day or two. In this way, we can seal these evil spirits, but how to drive them over seems to be a problem."

An Luo had an idea, he had already asked this question, Fenghua must have a solution.

Back at Fenghua's mansion, it was just dawn, An Luo took Xuanyu to visit Fenghua.

"Greetings to my lord father."

(End of this chapter)

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