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Chapter 169 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City

Chapter 169 Survival Guide for Evil Spirit City (22)
At this time, Fenghua had just cleaned up and washed, and was studying in the morning. He was so sensitive and eager to learn.

"What's the matter? Dear daughter!" Fenghua's eyes didn't even leave the book, and he read another sentence before looking up at An Luo, only to find that there was a young boy beside her, and he couldn't help being surprised: "What's the situation? What is this wanderer? People? Why are you with my daughter?"

An Luo hurriedly comforted him: "Well, my lord father, he is that white cat."

"Oh, so that's how it is!" Fenghua nodded, and immediately felt that something was wrong, "So that white cat is a boy? Then you have been together for so long?" He said, drew out his long sword, and stabbed at Xuanyu.

Xuan Yu hurriedly dodged, An Luo said beside him: "My lord father, now is not the time to fight, he said he has a way to seal the evil spirit!"

Fenghua happened to be so worried about the evil spirits that he couldn't sleep well. Ever since he became the steward of the Department of Spirit Elimination, for some reason, there have been more and more evil spirits. Wu Sha is gone, even he himself has no face to be the manager anymore.

So he stopped in his tracks, put away his long sword, and said to Xuan Yu: "Talk about it, but I will never finish with you about my daughter."

Xuan Yu explained everything, explaining the existence of this underground evil spirit city and the fact that the sealing project had been destroyed.Although the sealing project has been completed now, how to bring a large number of evil spirits back to the sealing project seems to be a stuck problem.

Fenghua looked at the space balls in his room, thoughtful.

The space ball is to build a small arbitrary door that allows evil spirits to enter and exit. Anyone who takes the space ball and opens it can get an unknown evil spirit, because no one knows which evil spirit will enter this arbitrary door. Door.

A meaningless invention like this would only be thought up by a bored dryad.

"We can try to make a device similar to any door, so that all the evil spirits can enter directly through that door. Don't they want to come to the world from that vortex? We just need to open a time-space door above the vortex, let the vortex Wouldn't it be OK to directly lead to your sealing project?" Feng Hua suggested.

"This is really a good idea, so here comes the question, how to open a time-space gate above the vortex?" An Luo asked.

"This requires the space-time code." Fenghua explained, "I have to look at it to understand the specifics. But this matter must be kept secret. I always feel that someone is playing tricks on it, and it is the evil spirit that is getting worse and worse." many ultimate reasons.”

Fenghua and Xuanyu conducted an investigation together, while An Luo continued to patrol as usual to get rid of the evil spirits wandering around every day.

Now she somewhat understands the source of these spirit stones. Every evil spirit needs to go through that vortex from underground to above ground. As long as the evil spirits pass through that vortex, they will get a spirit stone, which allows them to survive on the ground.And with the consumption of spirit stones, the vortex became bigger and bigger, and as a result, more and more evil spirits escaped.

"Not only that." One night, after An Luo expressed his hypothesis, Feng Hua and Xuan Yu retorted in unison.

"Tell me." Feng Hua said politely.

"It's up to you! Father-in-law!" Xuan Yu was more polite.

Fenghua gave him a blank look: "Don't call it that, I can't afford it, and I firmly oppose your marriage, how can my daughter marry a seal that suppresses evil spirits?"

An Luo was startled, and Feng Hua also realized his slip of the tongue: "You are different, An Luo, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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