Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 174 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji

Chapter 174 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji (03)
An Luo chuckled: "Brother Pierre, you are so right, how could sister Lucy take me seriously? Only the throne of our sea kingdom is within my sister's sight!"

"Presumptuous!" Prince Pierre's face changed, "You are slandering Lucy!"

"Slander?" An Luo laughed, "There are four big countries in our underwater world. Sister Lucy's mother is the eldest princess of the largest country, the country of ocean currents, and her uncle is already the king of the country of ocean currents, and now she is the father of the country. The king's most favored daughter, now marrying the prince of Chaotian Kingdom, isn't she the most powerful heir? Not only that, when Lucy inherits the throne, Ocean Current Kingdom's wish to unify the four countries under the sea is just around the corner!"

Although these remarks may seem to be embellishing and sowing dissension, they are definitely not nonsense. Now that similar rumors really appear, it has made the whole country of the sea panic, and the princes and princesses are even more anxious, forming their own forces.The one who has the hope of being king is the leader of the team, trying to win over other brothers and sisters. Others who think they don't have the strength to be king hope that they hold a golden thigh.

The current situation is comparable to the story An Luo had heard about the Kowloon seizing the throne.

The countries under the sea do not distinguish between men and women when it comes to succession to the throne, so princes and princesses are equally anxious about this matter.

Lucy is indeed capable of inheriting the throne, so the other princesses obey her. As for marrying Prince Ariane, it is definitely good for her future development.

Prince Pierre is also one of the contenders for the throne, which is why he took the initiative to befriend Prince Arrian.Originally, he didn't think so much, but after hearing An Luo's incitement today, the seeds of doubt were deeply planted in his heart.

"Nonsense!" Prince Pierre took a deep breath of seawater, spit out a few mouthfuls of bubbles, and swam to Prince Arrian's mansion.

An Luo doesn't have much to do now, so he starts to figure out how to absorb the air of the sea.

This is an unprecedented situation, there is no too harsh living environment, no too difficult situation, although her boyfriend was robbed, but men are not in the category of her consideration at all.

This kind of comfort really makes people feel a little overwhelmed.

In the void space, the system has already told An Luo that there are many ways to collect sea air: ordinary breathing and eating can absorb sea air, but these are minimal; refining sea air is a better method, she can collect Use all kinds of underwater treasures to refine the sea air. The more precious the treasures you collect, the more sea air you will get; another way is to find the opposite sex with stronger sea air. . .

Refining sea air is currently the most feasible method for her, after all, the system has already given her a primary refining machine.

"I'm touched, this is probably the first time in a long time that the system has given me something good!"

The things in the city of the sea cannot be moved casually, after all, they are all privately owned, unless you are going to buy rare and exotic items by yourself, but Mo'er's salary is too small, and she doesn't have much money to buy good things.

Therefore, it is better to swim outside the city of the sea to find treasures.

There are treasures everywhere on the seabed, but there are also dangers everywhere.In order to be prepared, An Luo went to the library of the palace to look through some ancient books to find out if there are any particularly famous treasures or legends.

(End of this chapter)

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