Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 175 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji

Chapter 175 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji (04)
There is a trench not far from the city of the sea. It is said that there is a shipwreck near the cliff over there. There are rumors that there are countless treasures, but no one dares to go there, because the trench at that place is the habitat of the giant snake Warnaby under the sea. No one knows when the sleeping giant snake will wake up, and no one dares to provoke it at will.

"Wouldn't it be better if it could wake up the giant snake by the way? It's definitely a high-level carrier of sea air." An Luo thought to himself.

Even if you want to go, you have to wait until the end of the banquet tonight.

Tonight's banquet is a continuation of yesterday's sacrificial activities, mainly to celebrate the success of the sacrificial ceremony.

However, whether this sacrifice was successful or not still made Haiwang very suspicious.

Recently, Neptune feels powerless, and the children are eyeing the throne again, and they are unavoidably a little irritable.I thought that sacrificing a daughter would give me some blessings from the Sea God, but I didn't expect this daughter to come back, and now I sent it to a high priest, how could it make the Sea God happy!

He felt very depressed. Now that the high priest was dead, it seemed that one of his right-hand men had been removed. Although he had arranged for the disciple of the high priest to take this position, he always felt uneasy.

Not long after the banquet, Lucy got up and said to Haiwang: "Father, my daughter heard some rumors today. She didn't want to tell her father to worry about it, but she was worried that this matter would affect the thousand-year foundation of my sea kingdom, so I still want to say it."

"Lucy, what's the matter, you just say it's okay." Haiwang said to Lucy gently.

"Now everyone is saying that yesterday's sacrifice was a failure. Mo'er's resurrection was not because the sea god sent her back, but because she was possessed by an evil spirit. If this is true, we should sacrifice Mo'er again. ’” explained Lucy.

Neptune nodded: "What Lucy said is very true!"

An Luo became angry, and stood up: "My sister's words are a big joke. If what everyone said is true, I am possessed by evil spirits, and you will sacrifice me who is possessed by evil spirits to the sea god, and the sea god will Are you happy? Father! Since it is a sacrifice, you should be more sincere, and you should sacrifice your favorite daughter, Princess Lucy, instead of the daughter you care the least about, and you should not sacrifice a daughter who is possessed by evil spirits." She now I feel a little regretful, I should have said that yesterday, let Lucy sacrifice directly, now there are not so many things.

Everyone looked at Lucy, but Lucy was frightened by An Luo's aura and dared not speak out.

An Luo looked at her mockingly: "What? My sister loves our sea country so much, and cares about our millennium foundation so much, can't she not do such a small thing? Tell you the truth! In terms of handsomeness, strength, and Wealth, in terms of stamina, Seagod surpasses Prince Arian by thousands of times! My sister will know how happy she is when she is with Seagod. Believe me, I am very familiar with both of them! Unhappy, don’t blame me for not reminding you!”

An Luo started the nonsense mode of killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred. Anyway, she doesn't plan to marry in this plane, and she has a reputation as a demon now, so it doesn't matter.

Lucy blushed and turned pale with anger, and Prince Arrian was even more furious.

She went on to say: "Now that I think about it carefully, maybe Lord Sea God sent me back because I was not the daughter favored by my father. The other reasons were actually just for me to step down! Sister! Give up on Ali decisively!" Prince An, throw yourself into the embrace of Lord Seagod!"

(End of this chapter)

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