Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 176 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji

Chapter 176 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji (05)
Prince Arrian jumped up against the case: "Princess Yumo, I will definitely keep this humiliation in mind, see you on the battlefield!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone panicked.

Smart people will secretly make up their minds, endure anger and shame on the spot, and try their best to swallow three thousand armors.Now this idiot made a decision on the spot, saying that he would come for revenge in the future, how could the king of the sea kingdom let him go?
Neptune waved his hand lightly, and several undersea guards surrounded Prince Arrian.

"You can't kill me!" Prince Arrian panicked, "My father will avenge me."

Lucy also rushed over to plead with her father: "Father, you can't listen to Yumo's slander, she is jealous of us, Prince Arrian is not that kind of person!"

The king shook his head: "Lucy, this is the end of the matter, and it cannot be undone."

"Let Yumo apologize to the prince and apologize with death, isn't that all right? Isn't that right, Prince Ariane?" Princess Lucy said to the prince.

The prince was taken aback, but he didn't expect that Lucy would give him a step down, although the steps were padded with Yumo's life, he hurriedly nodded proudly: "Yes, Princess Yumo, as long as you apologize to me, it means you Everything you said just now is all false, and I apologize with death, I am willing to forgive your sea kingdom for being unreasonable."

The young princes and princesses watched the excitement and saw that all blood was ignited now.Although they don't like Yumo at all, they all know that Prince Ariane had a good relationship with Yumo, and now he asks her to apologize for this. It was proposed by Lucy, the king's favorite daughter.

The king of the sea kingdom was also extremely angry: "Lucy, how could you come up with such an idea? You have let my father down so much! Is our sea kingdom afraid that their tidal kingdom will fail? And you, Prince Arrian , let a woman apologize to you with death, what a narrow mind! I really misjudged you."

Lucy and Prince Arrian just felt ashamed.

The king paused for a moment: "However, for the princes of the Tidal Kingdom, we can't bully the few with more. Among you, who is willing to fight with Prince Arrian? It's just a duel field. As long as Prince Arrian wins, he can Return to the Land of Tides safely."

The prince nodded in agreement, and the king glanced at the people present again.

The princes headed by Prince Pierre began to hesitate. Should they show their strength in front of their father at this time?If you lose, you will die. If you win, you will become the target of the kingdom of tides. Maybe the two countries will fight in the future, and your father will send it out as a bargaining chip for the truce.

It's so tangled, so the whole palace is dead silent, only the occasional bubbling sound.

An Luo stood up and said, "Father, this matter started with me, so it should be resolved by me. I once fell in love with Prince Ariane, and now this showdown is the perfect way to end our relationship. gone."

After speaking, she picked up the trident and jumped to the center of the palace: "Please, Prince Arrian."

The prince saw her supernatural power of throwing the high priest away yesterday, and he couldn't help feeling a little flustered, and even had a little bit of regret, why didn't he insist on dating her?I blame myself for not being able to resist Lucy.

But now it was impossible for him to back down.

Prince Arrian also picked up the trident and stood in front of An Luo.

Just as the duel was about to begin, a strange man's voice came: "Wait a minute, I should fight Prince Arrian."

(End of this chapter)

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