Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 177 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji

Chapter 177 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji (06)
The sound seemed to be coming from the Poseidon sculpture above the king's throne, and all eyes were on the sculpture
Suddenly, the sculpture flashed a golden light and transformed into a blond, tall, strong and handsome man holding a trident.

He looks like a human being, but he can breathe freely under the sea.

He was swimming at an extremely fast speed, and suddenly he was in front of An Luo: "I heard you praising me just now, now let me prove it to all of them personally, you are right!"

He is the god of the sea!

Since ancient times, there have been such legends that the Sea God will appear through his own holy image. Although the people at the scene have never seen the Sea God, they can clearly see that this man is the incarnation of the image of the Sea God, so he is Poseidon is without a doubt.

The priests of the Sea God who were waiting outside the main hall had already received the message and rushed in to greet the Sea God.Everyone, including Neptune, knelt down to welcome the arrival of Poseidon.

Sea God waved his hand: "Not busy, I still have things to do, you all step back."

Prince Arrian knelt down and begged the Sea God: "Respected Sea God, I am the prince of the ocean kingdom, and I have never meant to offend you, please forgive me!"

"Impossible! Offending my beloved woman is the same as offending me." Sea God said coldly, "Young man, stand up, pick up your trident, pick up your dignity and fight with me! Fight Sea God, It can bring you glory, don't give up this opportunity! You don't want your parents to know that you died at the hands of the Sea God when you were begging for mercy, right?"

Prince Arrian didn't have the courage to fight at all, and he didn't know what he thought, he took two steps back, turned around and ran away.Poseidon threw his trident and impaled him on the pillar.

Using spells, the trident returned to Seagod's hands.

The servants of the ocean country rushed over to check on Prince Arrian's situation, but they were powerless.

"The envoy of the country of ocean currents, tell your lord that your prince offended the sea god, so he was killed by the sea god!" After the sea god finished speaking calmly, he came to An Luo, hugged her in his arms, and asked her, "Little Cute, who else upset you?"

An Luo pointed at Lucy who was crying bitterly: "Her!"

The Sea God smiled dotingly: "Okay! But, I don't want to kill the woman, so I'll imprison her in the Sea God's Dungeon!"

Lucy's mother rushed over and begged the Sea God to let her daughter go: "Master Sea God, my daughter is cute and lovely, and she has never made any mistakes. Please let her go. If you must punish, punish her." me!"

Sea God nodded: "Since your mother and daughter love each other deeply, let's go to Sea God's dungeon to live together!"

With a wave of his hand, the two of them had disappeared.

The king of the sea trembled, not daring to say a word, for fear that if he begged for mercy, he would be sent to the dark dungeon in the deep sea.

"How is it? Are you happy now, little princess?" Sea God asked An Luo who was still in his arms.

"Happy!" An Luo replied with a smile.

Although I don't know why this sea god helped me, but since the matter is already like this, why not accept it readily?After all, these few people staying are a disaster, and now the Sea God has helped her remove the obstacles.

The sea god's welcome banquet continued. Although the sea king was sad that he had lost a beloved concubine and a beloved daughter, the sea god gave him health and a long life with divine power.This made Neptune very happy, especially his health, but that night, he appointed two new concubines.

(End of this chapter)

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