Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 180 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji

Chapter 180 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji (09)
Among the sunken ships at the bottom of the sea is simply a paradise for sea monsters.

Crowds of highly poisonous sea snakes hovered together, sharp-toothed sea monster monkeys jumped up and down, and there were strange fish like mice jumping out.

But An Luo didn't go on a killing spree, because these sea beasts were very afraid of her, and when they saw her, they ran away in a hurry, or hid in the corner and didn't dare to move.

The servants were amazed by this phenomenon, and later an older servant told An Luo that the Sea God Scepter on her body might have a deterrent effect.

The ghost didn't see it, but almost every room had corpses in different poses wrapped in rags. It could be seen that the tragedy of the shipwreck made An Luo feel terrified.

There are also a lot of treasures on these bones and in their rooms, which makes these servants itch.But An Luo reminded them in advance that no one's personal belongings should be touched. This is the most basic respect for these bones.

Her goal is the treasure that the prince brought with him on his mission to another country.

After three days of searching, An Luo finally found a warehouse with a lot of rare treasures.

Cloths and such were obviously rotten, but the jeweled chests containing the cloth seemed to sell for money.

In addition, there are a large number of gold coins. Although they have been eroded on the seabed for hundreds of years, they are still as bright as new.

An Luo asked the servants to sort out the gold coins and jewelry on site, and she stayed here to directly extract sea air with antique treasures.

These jewelry vessels are originally of high value, and with the erosion of seawater, they can still extract a lot of sea air.

The mermaid servants carrying jewels watched the master holding a mysterious machine and throwing treasures into it from time to time, all whispering.A bold servant asked An Luo: "Master, what is this thing, why did you put the treasure in it?"

"Uh, this is a machine that directly sacrifices to the Sea God. The Lord Sea God said that a large part of the treasures I found must be given to him. You are not allowed to ask or talk nonsense, understand?" An Luo said again. Turn on bullshit mode.

The servants were too frightened to speak nonsense, and quietly transported gold coins and jewels outside in an orderly manner.

All these gold coins need to be exchanged in the market, and the exchanged sea kingdom gold coins were distributed to the servants by An Luo, not only the servants who participated in this excavation project got the gold coins, but also the servants who did not participate, Just less.

Just this way, An Luo became a rich princess, at least much richer than before.

She warned the servants that although there were still many treasures in the sunken ship, no one was allowed to dig it privately, because it was very dangerous.

However, people died for money, and birds died for food. This matter quickly spread throughout the city, and there were too many people who could not resist the temptation of wealth.They all felt that a little mermaid like An Luo could obtain these wealth smoothly, so they could too.

However, things are not that simple at all. According to the Sea Country Times report: Hundreds of explorers went to the trench shipwreck ruins to find treasures, and no one survived.

An Luo was a little sad, and felt that he should keep a low profile and not let anyone know about his next expedition.

After a period of research in the library, An Luo found that there was another ruin near the seabed cliff. It was said to be the capital of the ancient sea kingdom thousands of years ago. Due to the changes in the earth's crust, it is now in the middle of the seabed cliff.

(End of this chapter)

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