Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 181 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji

Chapter 181 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji (10)
According to legend, Warnaby, the seabed giant snake that devoured the earth, lived near this trench.

The shipwreck on the bottom of the sea that An Luo searched for last time was lucky because he acted cautiously and did not disturb the giant snake.

It's just that it's hard to say whether going to the seabed cliff to find the ruins will alarm the giant snake.

An Luo was also a little nervous, wondering if he could defeat such a behemoth; but he was also a little excited, the time to test his strength came again!

The matter of exploring the ruins this time was unusual. An Luo was actually ready to sacrifice, so she had to settle down with the original owner's mother.

Most of the gold coins and antiques she retrieved from the bottom of the sea were exchanged for gold coins from the kingdom of the sea, and she used the money to buy several nice shops and fields.

The fields under the sea are also very useful, you can grow sea flowers, sea vegetables and garden eels and so on.

Her mother, Princess Dongyu, looked at the property title deeds that An Luo handed over to her, with a worried look on her face: "Daughter, where are you going?"

"I'm going on a treasure hunt."

"You are the princess of the sea kingdom and the wife of the sea god. We don't need to look for any treasures, and we can live comfortably. The journey of treasure hunting is too dangerous, and I don't agree." Princess Dongyu said.

"Because I am a princess, I am more qualified to do what I want to do. Mother, please don't worry about me and take care of yourself."

After settling in her mansion, she officially started the terrain survey near the trench. It was not until the official excavation site was confirmed that An Luo started the journey of exploring the ruins.

Her space backpack is still usable, so in it, she packed unknown tools, clothing, food, and even weapons.

Looking down from the edge of the trench, the bottom is bottomless. I don't know if it is thousands of meters or tens of thousands of meters.

The water here was fairly calm, and she slowly swam down, and finally found the entrance of the ruins at the position depicted on the map.

It is not difficult to find this entrance, the question is whether there will be many traps inside.

Looking at the piles of bones near the ruins, An Luo, who claims to be a small stone favored by the Lord God, is still a little timid. She is very worried, will the Lord God really care about her in this dark sea?

So she decided to ask the four masters for advice on the key points of exploring the ruins.

"Are you talking about the ruins of the old city of the City of the Sea near the Trench?" the Snake King asked her.

"Yes! This is the legendary map." An Luo used his memory to create an image of the map for the masters to see.

The Snake King looked at it carefully for a long time, and asked her for a long time, and finally told her: "I am very familiar with this underwater relic. I used to live in that plane, and I was born and raised there."

"What is the identity of Master Snake King?"

"This has nothing to do with you, but I can draw you a more detailed map of the interior of the ruins."

In fact, no one is more familiar with such relic institutions or ancient tomb institutions than Snake King.

Qi Mei and Nine Tails also came over and it was very lively. After several explanations, An Luo became more confident and felt that he could graduate in the Department of Archeology with a major in excavation.

Back on the seabed cliff, An Luo put a big pearl in the mouth of the fish at the door according to the Snake King's prompt.

With the harsh sound of gears turning, the gate of the ruins slowly opened.

An Luo breathed a sigh of relief when there was no trap, it seems that the Snake King's hint was right.

(End of this chapter)

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