Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 184 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji

Chapter 184 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji (13)
An Luo selected several particularly valuable treasures with collection value and put them in his space backpack, and the others were used to refine sea air on site.

She vaguely felt that her actions seemed to be consuming treasures, so it should be considered a great waste, right?
Fortunately, the system kept reminding her that the aura of the sea was growing rapidly, which made An Luo feel more at ease, and finally did not waste these treasures.

However, she still made up her mind to consume only part of the treasures just like she did at the shipwreck, and leave the rest here. These witnesses of history thousands of years ago will become an important basis for archaeology in later generations.

Of course, there may be another change in the submarine crust, and these treasures will completely fall into the magma, and they will be lost forever.

Thinking about it this way, An Luo decided to use up more and keep less.

It is not an easy task to refine the sea air with the equipment provided with the system. Every treasure thrown in will consume some An Luo's physical strength.

She didn't dare to use too much physical strength, because she still had to be ready to fight monsters that might come in at any time, so she would walk around and take a rest after refining the sea air to a certain level every day.

On this day, she wandered around and came to a slightly remote courtyard, but she seemed to hear the cry of a baby.

Some wild beasts or monsters also make sounds like this to lure humans or small animals to approach, and then trap them.

As far as she knows, some mermaid races that haven't evolved very well, equivalent to the babies of the ape fish or monkey fish race, will also make such sounds.

Although she knew that there was danger in approaching, An Luo decided to go over to see the excitement. What if it was really a baby mermaid?

Swimming in the direction, An Luo came to a spacious courtyard.

The cry came from a room in this courtyard.

She clenched her weapon and entered the room.

Under the light, she saw a broken eggshell on the bed in the room, and a crying baby near the eggshell.

She took a closer look and was sure it was really a baby, and not a merman's baby, but a human baby.

To be precise, it was a human being who could breathe under the sea, although she didn't know what race it was, maybe it was a protoss like Sea God?

But judging from the mucus on its body, this little guy came out of the shell, which is more mysterious, an oviparous human race that can breathe on the seabed. . .

The little guy has soft and sparse blond hair and snow-white skin. Looking closely, he is a handsome baby boy.

"Don't be afraid, come here and tell me, where is your mother?"

Hearing An Luo's voice, the little guy stopped crying, kicked his calves a few times, and swam.

The sea water washed away the mucus on his body, and the little guy stuck to An Luo's arms, as if he didn't want to leave anyway.

"You know, I can't take you away casually. Maybe your mother is looking for food for you. She will be anxious if she doesn't see you when she comes back." An Luo has never gotten along with children, especially Such a soft newborn baby made her feel at a loss, so she decided to stay and wait for the little baby's mother.

While waiting, she searched carefully to see if there was anything that could prove the child's identity.

At this time, she suddenly discovered that there was an exquisite box stuck to the broken eggshell. The box was so firmly stuck that even An Luo couldn't peel it off the eggshell, so she had to make do with trying to open the box.

However, it was unsuccessful.

Fortunately, there is a serpentine inscription on the box: Please take in my child - Sincerely, Warnaby.

So the legendary serpent Warnaby was a female snake?
(End of this chapter)

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