Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 185 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji

Chapter 185 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji (14)
Snake language was taught to An Luo by the Snake King, and An Luo has mastered it quite proficiently, both in writing and in language.

But why did Warnaby give birth to human children?And they are humans who can breathe under the sea.

And why didn't she raise the child herself?

An Luo felt a chill behind her, as if someone was staring at her.

She said in Parseltongue: "Is that you? Warnabi, the giant snake that devours the earth?"

"Please!" A soft female voice came.

An Luo didn't know why he gained Warnaby's trust, was it the shining Poseidon scepter on his back?Or her magical power that is invincible to all beasts?
However, the baby was waiting to be fed right in front of him. An Luo had no choice but to take out a piece of seaweed clothes in the backpack to wrap the baby, but found that the baby could not be put into the space backpack.As for the box glued to the eggshell, it can be put into a backpack.

It seems that I can only hold him.

As a result, the combat effectiveness will inevitably decline. If he encounters the siege of monsters again, An Luo is not sure whether he will have a chance of winning.

While she was hesitating, she heard Warnaby's voice again: "Go back, the monsters have been cleaned up."

Yes, she can devour the entire earth, so why would she care about these sea beasts, which is her meal?
An Luo swam towards the exit with the baby in his arms. Sure enough, the journey was very smooth, even the sea water had been cleaned up.

In about a day, An Luo returned home and handed the baby to the mother.

When the mother saw the newborn baby, she was taken aback: "Hey, whose child is this?" "

An Luo told the truth about the situation and told his mother.

The mother ordered someone to find a wet nurse to take care of the child. After everything was arranged, she said to An Luo earnestly, "I'm afraid this child will cause you trouble."

"It's just adopting a child, what's the trouble?" An Luo didn't care.

"But, what do you say about this child? Are you telling everyone that he is Warnaby's child?"

Only then did An Luo realize, no, the fear of Warnaby in the kingdom of the sea is that this baby will be tolerated by the whole country, and that she will not be able to protect him at that time
"Then let's say he is the son of me and Poseidon. Anyway, he looks a bit like Poseidon." An Luo took a closer look. This boy is also blond and blue-eyed, and he does look a bit like Poseidon, "Listen It is said that Sea God is also merciful, maybe he is the child of Sea God and Warnaby!"

After she finished speaking, she really felt a little bit of jealousy, and hurriedly shook her head to dispel her strange thoughts, but she felt that it was not impossible.

"But, the time is wrong!" Mother said worriedly, "It's only five months before the sea god appears, and our mermaid's pregnancy time is ten months."

"Uh, let's say it was premature!"

The mother was speechless, she didn't understand why she had such an unreliable daughter in her life of prudence: "The premature birth will not be so early."

"But he is the son of the Sea God, so it's normal to grow faster!"

After thinking about it carefully, my mother had no choice but to explain it this way.

Sea Country Times: Princess Yumo recently successfully gave birth to her little prince with Lord Sea God, named Edward.

However, rumors still circulated in the streets:
"Have you heard about Princess Yumo giving birth?"

"I heard. Hey, do you feel that the time is not right!"

"Maybe she's already been with Sea God!"

"Maybe that's not the child of the Sea God at all!"

"Shh, don't talk nonsense!"

. . .

(End of this chapter)

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