Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 186 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji

Chapter 186 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji (15)
An Luo has a big heart and doesn't care about these doubtful voices. Anyway, Sea God doesn't know that the Year of the Monkey will come back. As long as he doesn't come out to clarify, no one will know the truth.

Let's talk about it when the child grows up.

The soft and cute little guy brought a lot of joy to the mother of the original owner, Princess Yumo. An Luo also liked this little child very much. She began to experience a little fun when getting along with the child for the first time.

Even, she reduced the time spent on treasure hunting and devoted more energy to taking care of the little prince Edward.

Although the time for treasure hunting has been reduced, An Luo has found another way to extract sea air - farming and mining.

Whether it's farming or mining, the harvested items can be put into the sea air refining machine given to her by the system.

However, she also felt a little strange. Did these objects disappear after refining the sea air?
Although the system often ignored her, it still answered this question.

[All the items that entered the machine were sold by me after removing the sea air]

Sold?Where is the money?

[The money sold will be put into your personal account, which can be used to purchase skills and other required items in the system mall in the future]

When will the system store open?

【Hurry up! 】

An Luo was speechless, but at least the things she threw in were not wasted, which is good news, and it gave her some motivation to collect treasures.

As Edward grew up, An Luo also taught him snake script while teaching him the characters of the underwater world.

"My lord, I don't need to learn serpentine."

"No, Edward, serpentine is a very important script. If you learn it, you can communicate with the giant snakes in the underwater world." An Luo explained as much as possible while avoiding the important ones.

"Why do we communicate with the giant snakes under the sea? They are our enemies!" Edward said dissatisfied.

"Enemies and friends are always relative. It depends on whether there are common interests. Besides, even if you are an enemy, you must know yourself and your enemy to win every battle. The snake text can help us understand the snake clan."

Edward is very obedient and smart, and he is very good at snake literature.

However, children always have many problems. Gradually, An Luo realized that being a mother is really not that easy, especially being the mother of a naughty boy.

On this day, several elder brothers and sisters of Princess Yumo came to her and said that Prince Edward had beaten their child.

"This is unlikely, right? Our family's Edward is only five years old, Prince Su Rui is 12 years old this year, and Prince Brooke is also ten years old, right?" Princess Yumo couldn't believe it, "The other princes are also older than him , How could he defeat so many people with one enemy?"

She called out five-year-old Edward and asked him, "Did you really hit Prince Suri and Prince Brook?"


"Oh. Why?" An Luo asked Edward softly.

"They say I'm not the son of the sea god, but the son of a man on the dirty land!"

An Luo felt that listening to these words polluted his ears, and continued to tell Edward gently: "Don't say insulting things like them. Men on land are also human beings, and they are not dirty. Only those with unclean mouths and unclean hearts are dirty. Yes, it doesn't matter whether he lives on land, in the ocean, or in the starry sky, understand?"


An Luo said to his brothers and sisters, "I never thought that he could beat such a group of people. This is really a boy born from a hero since ancient times!"

(End of this chapter)

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