Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 187 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji

Chapter 187 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji (16)
All the brothers and sisters were angry when they saw that An Luo didn't mean to blame the child.

One of the princes, who was more irritable and less self-cultivated, said, "Yumo, don't go too far! Don't think that you are the woman of the sea god, just show off your power here! After all these years, has the sea god ever shown up once? What do you think?" This child is the son of the Sea God, who can prove it? Maybe it was born between you and a man on land!" said one of the prince brothers.

An Luo smiled: "I seem to understand why your children said those things, maybe you also often say things like this at home?"

She bowed her head and told Edward: "You are a warrior. Your hands will fight for glory and protect important people in the future. You should not be irritated by such trivial things. You must look at the entire ocean and become the most powerful in the ocean." You are a hero and work hard. So, if you meet such cheap-mouthed people in the future, ignore them and prove to them with your future achievements that you are the son of the Sea God!"

Edward looked at An Luo incomprehensibly: "Should we just let them talk nonsense now?"

"Of course not! If you are not happy, come back and tell mom, mom will help you vent your anger! Just like this!" After An Luo finished speaking, he slapped the prince's elder brother into the air, hit the pillar, and lost his teeth.

She then said sternly to Edward: "Do you understand? Study hard and avoid trouble, otherwise Mom won't let you go!"

Edward stuck out his tongue: "My lord, can't you be a good example?" Then he ran away!

In the past few years, An Luo has kept herself safe, farming and digging mines, doing business and hunting for treasures, and living her small life under the sea wholeheartedly. It made everyone forget her feat of getting rid of the high priest back then. His brothers and sisters were woken up, they left in a hurry, and went back to tell their children not to talk nonsense, and the most important thing was to avoid provoking Edward.

The child is bored, and it is inevitable to cause trouble. An Luo had no choice but to arrange his time fully, and specially invited a tutor to come to his home to teach him, such as astronomy and geography, magic swordsmanship, history and humanities, and language counts. Anyway, as long as he can Let him learn, anyway, she has plenty of money.

Edward is quite competitive, he studies very seriously and assiduously, and he knows even a little bit about martial arts.

"Edward, you are so sensible, will you work with your mother in the future?" An Luo thinks that it is better to educate the child in practice, mainly because the child is extremely energetic and will cause trouble if he is idle.

An Luo didn't know where the limit of this child's strength was. If he really killed the mermaid, it would be terrible.

"Mom is a princess, do you want to work too?"

"The princess has to work too! Otherwise, the salary is too little, how can it be enough for us to live on!"

"That's right! The crown my mother bought some time ago is worth 200 gold coins. It seems that the monthly salary that Grandpa King gave you is only 100 gold coins, right?" This child will settle accounts!
An Luo was very relieved, but he still warned him: "Don't keep the account for me, I should spend as much as I should!"

Edward agreed with An Luo's words and was very willing to go to work.

Most of the fertile land An Luo bought was used to grow sea carrots, because An Luo found that this is a vegetable that attracts sea air very much. Eating sea carrots with garden eels can increase more sea air. For her most favorable.In addition, the residents of the sea country also like to eat carrots, so the sales are very good.

(End of this chapter)

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