Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 189 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji

Chapter 189 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji (18)
The world under the sea is always turbulent. After a short period of peace, it is still a competition for interests.

The country of tides, the country of ocean currents, and the country of the more distant ice ocean formed an alliance and declared war on the country of the sea.

Their reason was actually to avenge Arian, the prince of the ocean current kingdom, and Lucy's mother, the princess of the tidal kingdom.

Although the king of the sea kingdom emphasized that it was the sea god who killed Arian, because Arian hurt the sea god's favorite woman, Princess Yumo.

"Anyway, Prince Arrian died in your sea kingdom, and you will pay compensation."

The reason why they waited 12 years to bring up this matter again is because during these 12 years, these countries have been in turmoil, and they have not stabilized until recently. However, the consumption caused by the war is extremely high, so they went to sea The country's idea, plans to use this matter as an excuse to make a big hit.

The Kingdom of the Sea decided to hand over Princess Yumo: "Everything is Princess Yumo's fault, we are willing to hand over her and her son to you and let you handle it."

Hearing this, the king of the country of tides said angrily: "Does the king of your sea country still have a sense of shame? You don't even protect your own daughter?"

"He is that kind of person, don't you know?" The Empress of the Oceanic Country snorted coldly, and said to the messenger, "Tell you king, we only want to pay compensation, and we don't want Princess Yumo's life. If you don't agree, we will go to war." gone."

When the king of the sea kingdom heard the news, he was so anxious that he called all the princes and princesses together to discuss countermeasures.

A certain quick-witted prince proposed: "Sister Yumo is as rich as a country, let her pay to settle this matter!"

Everyone agreed it was a really good idea, only a few thought it was a disgrace!

Fortunately, the counselors of the Sea Kingdom are somewhat strategic, and they believe that they cannot encourage the arrogance of the other three countries, otherwise the Sea Kingdom will have no place to stand on the bottom of the sea.

However, the warriors of the kingdom of the sea are the opponents of the other three kingdoms at all. Under the defeat, the city of the sea is about to be broken.

Edward was in a hurry at home, and said to An Luo: "Mother! I'm going to fight!"

"You are only 12 years old, what kind of war are you fighting?"

Edward grabbed a trident and wanted to rush out: "I can do it!"

An Luo caught him back: "Edward, tell me, why are you fighting? For whom?"

"For the kingdom of the sea!"

An Luo looked at him sternly and said, "You are not a citizen of the Kingdom of the Sea, so there is no need to fight for the Kingdom of the Sea!"

"I, I am for my own glory, the glory of being the son of the Sea God!"

An Luo patted him on the shoulder. This kid is 12 years old this year. He is already a burly boy with long blond hair, blue eyes, and a childish look in his handsomeness. Not to mention, he really looks like a sea god.

"Go, son!"

At first, everyone opposed Edward playing, after all, he was still a child.

But seeing the anxious battle situation, helpless, the advisers finally nodded and let Edward go out.

"It's so ridiculous. Your country of the sea actually let a child fight?" The general of the country of ocean currents didn't pay attention to Edward at all. "Young man, you go back! I won't fight with children!"

"Don't look down on people! I am Edward, the son of the Sea God. If you are sensible, you should surrender obediently, or you will lose your life today!"

"What son of the sea god? Have you ever seen your father? Hahaha! You people from the kingdom of the sea can really talk big things!" The generals of the kingdom of ocean currents laughed and sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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