Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 190 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji

Chapter 190 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji (19)
Father, is Edward's reverse scale.

If it was said that when they were young, who dared to say that he was not the son of the Sea God, at most they would get a violent beating, but now on the battlefield, the only thing waiting for them is death!

The armor on Edward's body was made by An Luo himself, woven with gold and the strongest seaweed, and lined with impenetrable shark skin, shining against the waves of the sea; the trident in his hand was It is made of cold iron excavated from the seabed, added with several kinds of gemstones, it will never rust, and it is extremely sharp.

Of course, all these equipment are imaginary, strength is the last word.

A bald-headed mermaid from the Land of Ocean Currents was the first to appear on the stage. In his words, he could kill Edward as effortlessly as he crushed a chick.

However, his strength was completely insignificant in front of Edward, and his speed was even more incomparable to him. In just one round, his soul flew away.

This time, Edward poked his chest, he didn't bleed too much, and he definitely didn't pollute the environment!

Seeing the young man's indifferent expression, everyone took a deep breath of the sea water and spit out long bubbles: "I'm afraid this is not the coming of the god of death?"

"How could it be? It must be that the warriors from the Oceanic Country can't even deal with a child!" The warriors from the other two countries expressed dissatisfaction. What happened to him, he finally withdrew in despair.

Immediately afterwards, the tall and beautiful warriors of the Tidal Kingdom also took turns to fight, but they were still defeated. The noble and glamorous Ice Ocean Kingdom lost four generals because of its aloofness.

An Luo was knocking sea melon seeds on the viewing platform, thinking about why these people insisted on fighting so hard. This Edward's newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. It is when the momentum is at its peak, and they should stop their losses as soon as possible.

What made her happy was that the teachings of these years had finally come in handy. Edward had no trouble fighting one against a hundred. No matter which fierce general stepped forward, he would die on the battlefield within a few strokes.

However, looking at it, An Luo felt that the child's martial arts were far superior to hers, and he even used quite a few moves that he hadn't learned before.

It always felt weird, but she couldn't tell.

But it's good that the son can defeat the enemy, so don't think about it so much.

The fighting that day was very fierce, and the three countries hurriedly retreated to discuss countermeasures.

An Luo didn't expect that their strategy would be to summon the Sea God.

I don't know who told them that there was a problem with the time of Edward's birth, so there was a high probability that he was not the son of Sea God.So, they built a Poseidon altar outside the city of the sea overnight, placed the icon of the Poseidon, and summoned the Poseidon in a sacrificial way.

An Luo knew that this method was pure nonsense, if this method could summon the Sea God, there wouldn't be only one Sea God appearing in so many years.

If Seagod appears now, unless some of them know Seagod, there will be other ways to inform them. As for these fancy rituals, they are just blindfolds.

Edward was very angry and wanted to smash their sacrificial altar, but An Luo dissuaded him: "If they really summoned your father, wouldn't it be better?"

Hearing what his mother said, Edward also felt very happy, but his grandmother, Princess Dongyu was very worried. She asked An Luo quietly: "Daughter, have you forgotten? Edward's real background is not yours at all." My child! Aren’t you afraid that the Sea God will show up and tell the truth?”

(End of this chapter)

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