Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 192 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji

Chapter 192 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji (21)
Hearing the words of the Empress of the Country of Ocean Currents, the Sea God raised his eyebrows: "Honorable Queen Parhati, please don't say such misleading words. I have nothing to do with the girl of the Country of Ocean Currents. Jian, where did this son start?"

The empress smiled awkwardly: "Lord Sea God is very right. Women in our country of ocean currents have not been so honored to be able to give birth to offspring for you. However, as long as Lord Sea God likes it, the beautiful women of my country of ocean currents can do whatever you want. Come and choose."

The Sea God smiled: "Let's leave this honor to the next Sea God! If there is nothing else, I will leave."

"Wait a minute!" Queen Parhati felt that it was a bit difficult to communicate with Seagod, and this guy seemed a little too unreasonable, "Master Seagod, please look at the young hero in Sea City, that is the son of you and Princess Yumo— —Edward!"

Sea God was startled, he clearly knew that nothing happened between him and Princess Yumo, if she really had a child, it must not be his.However, since she said she was his child, he couldn't dismantle the situation. Maybe the soul of Princess Yumo was no longer An Luo, so it didn't matter.Sea God tried his best to calm down for a while, keeping his countenance, not wanting others to see his wavering.

However, all of this cannot escape the piercing eyes of Augustine, king of the country of tides. He is the half-brother of Poseidon, but Lucy's mother is not related to Poseidon.

I saw Augustine said to Poseidon earnestly: "Respected Lord Poseidon, Lord of the azure blue sea, my dear brother. I respect you so much that there are some things that even people in the whole world are unwilling to tell you, I can't hide it from you either!"

He then said to Sea God: "That brave young man riding a shark claimed to be your son, but I heard that you married Princess Yumo in March, and he was born in August, and he was extremely strong, and he did not appear to be premature at all. Everyone suspects that Princess Yumo may... be unfaithful to you!"

What Augustine said did not mean to hide from anyone at all. Now everyone is staring at Sea God closely, wondering how he will react.

Sea God frowned, and glanced in the direction of Princess Yumo from a distance. According to the calculation of the time of conception, Princess Yumo was not An Luo at that time, so he was relieved. All the anger in his heart had dissipated, leaving only Chu Uneasy heart: She never wanted a child, and now she has no choice but to give birth to someone else's child for the original owner, it should be very painful, right?
Augustine went on to say: "My dear brother, anyone who hurts your glory is hurting my glory, and is hurting my tidal kingdom! The warriors of the tidal kingdom are fighting against the sea kingdom!"

Sea God didn't want to pay attention to them at all, he swam up to Edward in a short while, before he could speak to Edward, An Luo was already standing between him and Edward.

Augustine's provocative words just now have already spread to Sea City, and An Luo also understands that Sea God is not stupid, how could he not know that this child is not his?Whether he can accept Edward is entirely up to him. If he refuses to accept it, she will do her best to protect Edward and never let Sea God hurt him because of her anger.

(End of this chapter)

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