Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 193 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji

Chapter 193 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji (22)
It's not that An Luo can't tell the truth now, but she's afraid of hurting Edward.

She could see that Edward's little face was full of excitement and excitement. This was the first time he saw his father in his life, and she didn't want to disappoint the child.

After all, adoptive parents are also parents!The truth can be told slowly.

All the doubts and anxieties of the Sea God melted the moment he saw An Luo. Fortunately, she was still An Luo, and it wasn't too late for him to come back.He stared at An Luo's clear eyes for a few seconds, understood the tension and expectation in her eyes, and finally asked, "Mo'er, where is our child?"

An Luo felt warm in his heart, knowing that he understood.

She said to Edward: "Son, come and meet your father, Lord Sea God!"

Edward came over and saluted Sea God.

Sea God looked at Edward carefully, and asked him, "Young man, tell me your name and your origin!"

Edward was very happy: "I am the son of Sea God and Princess Yumo, my name is Edward! I am so happy to meet you, my dear father!"

Sea God patted Edward on the shoulder, raised his right hand, and looked down upon the entire underwater world.

Seeing that Seagod recognized the child so easily, the melon eaters knew that the melon was over. It seemed that Edward was really the son of Seagod!Even if not, since his father has admitted it, what else can others say?What dare to say?
Augustine knew that he was a villain in vain, and his brother really loved this woman madly, so he gladly put on such a big hat and was convinced!He decided to go back, and it seemed that the country of the sea was far from exhausted.

At this moment, there was a strange vibration in the sea water, which seemed familiar to An Luo.

An older mermaid exclaimed: "It's the giant snake Warnaby!"

An Luo was startled, wouldn't he?Come to meet your son?
The giant snake that devoured the earth snaked and hovered above the city of the sea, and all the mermaids trembled with fear.

Edward clenched the trident in his hand, wanting to rush to protect Sea City and fight Warnaby.

An Luo was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped him: "Edward, no! You can't go!"

"Mother! The city of the sea is in danger. This is the moment to show my glory. Let me go! I can overcome it!" Edward's confidence doubled after seeing the sea god's father.

An Luo was helpless, and just said to him: "No, no matter what! And Warnaby may not be our enemy! Wait for me here, don't move!" She gave Sea God a commanding look, "Look at him !"

Sea God nodded.

She swam towards Warnaby and asked, "Warnaby, why did you come to the city of the sea?"

"I want to come and get my son back!"

"However, he still doesn't know his real life experience, and I'm worried that he won't be able to accept it."

"No, he is already 12 years old, and he can accept all of this. Moreover, the Sea God has returned, and if he stays, it will only increase trouble for you." The giant snake replied An Luo while circling.

"No, according to the Sea God, I have accepted Edward just now."

"Sea God really loves you, it's really enviable!"

An Luo was startled, could the frightening giant snake in the legend speak such a young girl's words?She was thinking about how to persuade Warnaby to go back, but she saw the giant snake rushing towards Augustine,
The soldiers of the Kingdom of Tides were stunned, but Augustine smiled sweetly with tears in his eyes: "Honey, where have you been?"

(End of this chapter)

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