Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 194 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji

Chapter 194 The Undersea Temple Mermaid Ji (23)
The giant snake disappeared in an instant, replaced by a beautiful girl like a hibiscus in the water, with long shining golden hair, blue eyes, a proud figure, and slender legs.

Yes, she looks like a human girl, not a mermaid, but her actual age should be thousands of years old!

Augustine got up from the throne and hugged the girl affectionately: "Honey, I have been looking for you for more than ten years, where have you been?"

The girl wiped away Augustine's tears, and said softly, "Don't be like this, the kings of all countries are looking at you! You don't feel ashamed, you have to think about your son!"

"Son? What son?" Augustine froze on the spot.

As the new monarch of the Tidal Kingdom, he is also considered a legend.As the son of the princess of Tidal Kingdom and the father of Poseidon, he has become the focus of the entire underwater world since he was a child.

However, as he grows up, everyone discovers that he has a beautiful face but no supernatural power, so that no matter whether it is the princess of Tidal Kingdom or the father of Sea God, they are extremely disappointed in him, thinking that he is impossible. Becoming a legendary hero might actually become Paris who seduced Helen.

Angered at his family's disappointment in him, Augustine ran away from home when he was young, only to return years later.

However, Augustine who returned this time seemed to be fully awakened and became the most powerful existence in the Kingdom of Tides.

At this time, the Kingdom of Tides was in turmoil and turmoil. The appearance of Augustine was like a god coming, leading a group of supporters to stabilize the situation, and finally became the king of the Kingdom of Tides.

Now, the only thing that troubles his elderly mother is that he refuses to marry a wife no matter what.

Everyone guessed that he might have had a sweetheart once, but no one thought that his sweetheart turned out to be the legendary giant snake under the sea.

And no one knew that this terrifying existence was so soft and cute?Everyone present regretted that they didn't go to the trench more often, maybe they would also have a chance to meet the beautiful underwater giant snake.But if you think about it carefully, even if you go, you will only be eaten, right?After all, Augustine was not extraordinary!
"I'm sorry, Augustine." Warnaby said apologetically, "At that time you left home and said that you would go back to save the country of tides; and I also received a call from my family, and there was also an unprecedented battle among the giant snakes under the sea In desperation, I had no choice but to go back to deal with this matter. At that time, I found out that I was pregnant with your child. If the giant snakes found out, the child would definitely die. In desperation, I took the child Entrusted to Princess Yumo."

"What?" Augustine couldn't believe his ears, so that Edward was actually their son, what was he doing before!

This matter quickly spread throughout the battlefield with the water, and everyone held their breath, just wanting to continue to eat melons.

Edward seemed a little panicked: "Mother, no, so you are my mother, and I am not the son of Sea God, right?"

This was exactly what An Luo was worried about. That couple was too much, and it was fine if they didn't raise their own children. Now they came to announce the truth without saying hello, how could this child accept it?

An Luo had no choice but to persuade him: "Edward, you were brought up by me. In my heart, you are my own child!"

"No, that's not the case! You're lying to me, you're all lying to me!" Edward ran away, and instantly transformed into another seabed snake, rushing towards the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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