Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 195 The Mermaid Ji of the Underwater Temple Ends

Chapter 195 The Mermaid Ji of the Underwater Temple (24) Ends

Edward transformed into a giant snake, rose at an extremely fast speed, and rushed out of the sea.

The violent storm above the sea seemed to be expressing the youth's anger.

Sea God, An Luo, Warnaby, and Augustine followed closely, trying to capture him before he harmed the human race.

Warnaby has transformed into a giant snake again, and rushed to Edward at the fastest speed, trying to persuade him: "My dear child, please forgive mother!"

"No! You are not my mother! I hate you!"

Two giant snakes hovered above the sea, and thunder and lightning flashed in the sky. If you were hit by lightning, you would be in danger.

"Edward! Come back!" An Luo shouted anxiously!
However, the runaway bear child didn't want to pay attention to her old mother at all.

An Luo was furious, and planned to use a water attack to stun Edward, and wait until he was quiet.

Sea God saw her thoughts, and hurriedly stopped her: "No, look at me!"

Under his divine power, the two giant snakes were shrouded in a golden light, and finally they gradually fell asleep and changed into human shapes.Augustine rushed to hug Warnaby, and An Luo hugged Edward.

After Edward woke up, he calmed down a lot, but he was still very sad.

An Luo told him: "Edward, I raised you from your infancy, and in my heart, you are my own child, the child of Sea God." After finishing speaking, she gave Sea God a sharp look, The Sea God understood, and hurried over to him and said, "Princess Yumo is right, if you want, you can call me father forever."

Sea God said to An Luo again: "Where is the scepter? I said I would give our son the scepter!"

An Luo thought about it, took it out in a hurry, and handed it to Edward: "This is the scepter that the God of the Sea gave me. He said that he would give it to our son in the future. I originally wanted to give it to you when you were an adult, but Now you're a hero, so I can give it to you right now!"

Edward was very pleasantly surprised, and An Luo went on to say: "Child, you are happy. Now you have not only the two of us as your parents, but also your biological parents. Go and see them, okay? Of course, if you If you are not willing to accept them now, you can wait a little longer."

However, Edward said that he is willing to accept his parents because he has grown up and he is willing to try to understand.

Therefore, this child is the eldest prince of the country of tides, and he also possesses the scepter of the sea god, the son of the sea god in name.

An Luo thought about it carefully, Sea God's operation was not bad, this child should actually be counted as his nephew, they are a family at all!

The underwater world is peaceful, and there will be no more fights for the time being.

Sea God said to An Luo: "Will you walk with me?"


"The Temple of the Sea God!"

"Is there really such a place?"

"Yes, I will make you happy, and when you get there, you will have as much sea air as you want."

An Luo left with him and entrusted his mother to Edward to take care of. After all, his grandmother raised him and he should take care of his grandmother.

As the Sea God said, his temple has inexhaustible sea air, for example, sea air hot springs, various rare treasures, and rare fish.

Of course, the sea qi obtained from these items is limited, and the one who really allows An Luo to get enough sea qi is actually the sea god. After all, he is the man with the most powerful sea qi in the underwater world!

After obtaining enough sea air, Princess Yumo turned into foam, while An Luo came into the void.

In this plane, An Luo has increased by 17 levels, and the self-destruct has been delayed by 170 years.

Xuanyu's mana recovery reached 18%, memory recovery reached 12%.

(End of this chapter)

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