Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 199 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant

Chapter 199 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant (04)
This is simply a treasure planet!After driving the interstellar engineering vehicle around for a whole day, An Luo came to a conclusion.

The surface of this planet is made of silicate. One kilogram of silicate can extract 5 points of star aura, exchange it for 2 gold coins, and get a silicon element card.The most important thing is that the energy consumption is very little, basically, it can be obtained by just digging lightly, which is not as laborious as it is on planet Fe.

The interstellar engineering vehicle can add a ground drill module to dig ore deep into the planet.

Gradually deepening, An Luo discovered many kinds of crystal caves one after another. Their main component is silicon dioxide. Because of the difference in heavy metal content, they show various colors. For example, amethyst containing iron and manganese, and amethyst containing chromium and copper. Citrine, and red quartz with iron and titanium oxides.

The color of the crystal here is excellent and very pure.An Luo tried to put it into the Reiki Refining Machine, and found that each kilogram of crystals can be exchanged for 10 Reiki Points and 5 gold coins.

[This kind of crystal is very popular on some planets, you can collect more, but it cannot exceed 1000 kg]

An Luo stayed here for two more days, specializing in collecting crystals, and also got some element cards, including chromium element cards, manganese element cards, copper element cards, and even titanium element cards.

However, if you continue to go deeper into the earth's crust, there seems to be nothing, nothing more than iron and nickel, which are worthless.

She was also tired from staying in this dark underground, so she decided to go out to get some fresh air, and then go to see other planets, maybe there are more valuable ores, no, more aura of stars.

However, as soon as he got out of the surface, An Luo found himself surrounded, but not by people, but by a group of surface robots.

"Which planet are you from?" said the leader robot.

"I am, uh, tell me which planet you are from first?" An Luo asked.

"Our Star Exploration Team of Planet Bulu, I am Captain Theodore. Please put down your weapons and cooperate with our inspection."

"what to check for?"

"We have already applied for the mining work of this planet. Any other planet's miners are illegal. We have the right to confiscate all your mining results." The captain said.

An Luo agreed: "I just wandered around and took nothing with me. If you don't believe me, you can check it out."

The robot inspected An Luo's interstellar engineering vehicle and interstellar aircraft with detection rays, and confirmed that there were no ores. He felt very surprised: "Madam, if you are not here for ores, why are you here?"

"I'll take a stroll, can't I?" An Luo said confidently.

"Yes, but your damage to the surface will still cause trouble for our mining and exploration, so we recommend that you enjoy the beauty of this planet more on the surface."

"I want you to take care of it!" An Luo felt very speechless. Anyway, she had stayed on this planet enough. She returned to the aircraft and left the planet.

During the flight in the starry sky, she asked the AI ​​robot Isaac: "What planet is Bulu Planet?"

"A very powerful planet in our galaxy."

"So what galaxy is this?"

"Sorry, I seem to have forgotten to tell you. This is the Gia galaxy, which has more than 200 planets with life, and the Bulu planet is one of them. If you are interested, you can go and have a look."

An Luo looked at the star map and felt that the planet was still a little far away, so she still planned to explore nearby.

(End of this chapter)

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