Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 200 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant

Chapter 200 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant (05)
An Luo kept a respectful distance from all gaseous planets.The dryad master told her about Jupiter. Looking at the fantastic Jupiter from a distance, in fact, there are giant storms everywhere on it. It feels like a powerful interstellar probe. If it gets too close to these storms, it will be smashed to pieces.

More importantly, An Luo can't get ore on such planets, so it's better to give up approaching these planets.

Therefore, her target is only the solid planets in this galaxy.

After traveling to many planets, An Luo realized that the crystal planets discovered before were nothing at all. There are still many gem planets here. In fact, these gems are found on many solid planets, but most of them are deep underground. It is not easy to discover and excavate, but on these planets, as long as you pass through the shallow crust, you can excavate aluminum oxide rich in various elements, which is the legendary ruby ​​and sapphire.

Every 1 kg of ruby ​​or sapphire can be exchanged for 20 aura points and 20 gold coins.

Of course, the AI ​​system Isaac will also remind An Luo that the ore collected on each planet cannot exceed 1000 kg.The reason given by Isaac is that these planets are actually extremely unstable because their crusts are too thin and the planets themselves are too small. If they are mined too much, it will cause abnormal mantle activity, which may cause some plates to break. Even volcanic eruptions.

Every time An Luo arrives at a planet, An Luo will drive an interstellar engineering vehicle to explore, excavate and analyze, and then cut the ore into a size of about one kilogram and put it into her aura collection machine. Therefore, I want to get 1000 kilograms of high-quality ore will take half a month in the smoothest case.

If it weren't for the fact that there is a sealed place where you can chat with the four demon kings, An Luo felt that he might go crazy, and he was like a machine every day, repeating the work of detection and excavation.

Kyuubi told her: "If you are obsessed with the task of digging ore, you will ignore the unique and beautiful scenery of each planet. Don't be so nervous, relax a little, after all, there are very few opportunities for interstellar travel."

The dryad told her: "You must organize the information of these ores carefully, record the location and characteristics of each planet, and make videos and store them. These are precious scientific research materials!"

Qi Mei asked her: "You try to use those gemstones to make some beautiful jewelry, dress yourself up beautifully, and people will be happier! Although no one can see you!"

Said the Snake King. . .The Snake King still refused to talk to her.

On this day, An Luo encountered a planet rich in emeralds.The surface of this planet is very calm, which may be due to the absence of an atmosphere on the surface.According to the detection, she found the location of the emerald, drove the interstellar engineering vehicle to the ground, and collected the emerald.

These emeralds are beryllium-aluminosilicate crystals in the shape of hexagonal columns.The emeralds of this planet are pure emeralds, very attractive.

But I don't know if the vibration caused by the mining of ore was too large. When An Luo collected about 800 kilograms, the earthquake happened.

She hurriedly drove the interstellar engineering vehicle back to the ground to avoid being squeezed by the plate movement.

After waiting on the ground for a while, she was sure it was just a small tremor, and then she felt relieved.

However, she was once again surrounded by robots.

(End of this chapter)

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