Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 201 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant

Chapter 201 The Interstellar Girl Is a Tyrant (06)
"We are the Star Exploration Team of Planet Bulu, and I am Captain Theodore. Please put down your weapons and cooperate with our inspection." The leader robot said.

An Luo has heard these words once before, and it seems that he has met an old friend.

She replied: "I didn't take any minerals, you check it!"

Hearing An Luo's voice, Captain Theodore said: "What a coincidence, I met you again! Are you wandering around this planet now?"

"Yeah, I'm just traveling everywhere." An Luo explained.

"Then, you are so leisurely!" Captain Theodore sneered, at least An Luo thought he was sneering, because these robots had no expression, "In this case, you can explain to me why you are here Digging those beryls underground?"

Captain Theodore said, and played the video they detected for An Luo - the scene of An Luo's starry sky engineering vehicle collecting emeralds underground.In their video, you can see that all the collected beryls are put into the car, but you can't see An Luo's operation in the car.

Now that the gem has already entered the system space, it is impossible for them to detect it.

"I'm just exercising, and it doesn't have any special meaning. If you don't believe me, you can take a look. I didn't take anything away." An Luo didn't want to fight them, so he turned on the nonsense mode and decided to fool around.

Captain Theodore said unhurriedly: "Madam, even if you didn't take anything with you this time, we won't let you leave!"


"According to the Gaia Galaxy Mining Convention, anyone who causes abnormal activities of the planet's plate due to the mining of planet minerals must accept punishment."

"What punishment is it?" An Luo intends to listen to it. If there is a fine or something, she will obediently pay the fine as long as she can. If the punishment is too serious, she will run away!It's just that she is also a little upset. If she runs away like this, won't she become an interstellar fugitive?
"You just caused a 4.7-magnitude earthquake, and you need to pay a fine of 2000 Guia gold coins or a 15-day prison sentence." Captain Theodore said.

An Luo figured it out, and said to him: "Aren't you the interstellar exploration team of the Bulu planet? When is it your turn to enforce the law for the Gia galaxy? Even if I have to pay a fine or be imprisoned, it must be the Gia galaxy's responsibility." The law enforcement guards personally came to punish me! Speaking of which, you are also here to mine the planet, right? The earthquake just now may have been caused by you, and now you want to blame me, there is no way!"

"Ma'am, I don't think you know yet? Bulu planet is now the leader planet of the Gia galaxy, and our star exploration team on Bulu star is actually the law enforcement guard of the Gia galaxy in the starry sky. Moreover, We did not come to this planet to mine, but simply to follow you."

An Luo was very annoyed that he didn't even know he was being followed, otherwise, let's run now!

She wanted to leave by driving an interstellar engineering vehicle, but she had nowhere to go. These robots with unknown weapons had surrounded her.

An Luo's system once told her that the gold coins in her system can be converted into gold coins in her space in equal amounts, and can also be withdrawn, so 2000 gold coins are not unaffordable for her. It would cost tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of gold coins to purchase an engineering vehicle or aircraft, which doesn't feel like a good deal.

So An Luo decided to compromise: "Should I pay the fine now? Is cash okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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